- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
To access traineeship, the student must participate in the Professionalising Laboratories (LP) and the Professionalising and in-depth Activities (APA) with mandatory frequency since these supplementary activities allow the student to acquire specific skills and competences in a protected and simulated situation, preparing it for clinical situations. that will experience on the field.
In addition, the student must acquire theoretical-practical knowledge in the characterizing disciplines foreseen by the 3rd year of the course (obstetric-gynecological assistance in urgency and emergency, surgical assistance to pathology, organizational models of obstetric assistance, obstetric and gynecological sciences).
At the end of each traineeship experience, the student receives a formative assessment by the intern assistant. Specifically, an evaluation is expressed on the achievement of the training objectives through evaluation sheets present in the internship booklet.
An assessment is made on the student's profile regarding behavior and transversal skills (communication and relational skills, collaboration and work organization skills, motivation and self-assessment skills); in addition, an assessment is made on the achievement of general and specific technical-operational skills differentiated on the basis of the internship. In both cases, for each item indicated in the evaluation form, the trainee assistant must express a judgment in tenths (excellent: 10; distinguished: 9; good: 8; fair: 7; sufficient: 6; insufficient: <6 ) and then the mathematical average is calculated to obtain the final score.
The final professional traineeship exam 3 consists of a certification assessment that ascertains the levels reached by the student in the development of the expected professional skills. This assessment, expressed in thirtieths, is the summary of the formative assessments gradually documented during the course year by the internship assistants and the level of performance demonstrated at the internship exam. This final test is carried out through a written examination with open questions in which the resolution of clinical cases is requested.
Will be evaluated:
- the accuracy, precision and completeness of the answers
- the ability of clinical reasoning
- the ability to use appropriate terminology
If the student does not achieve the objectives set for the internship and therefore the certification assessment ascertains an insufficient profit, the student is considered "repeating". The student will have to repeat the traineeships until the objectives are achieved and will not be able to attend the lessons of the third year of the course.
Professional traineeship represents the heart of professional preparation and is intended as a "space of experience" with educational purposes, indispensable for translating the theoretical knowledge acquired into professional behavior.
Professional traineeship is therefore a fundamental cornerstone in the construction of the professional profile of the student in Obstetrics, being aimed at developing:
• professional skills
• diagnostic reasoning
• critical thinking
• identity and belonging to the profession
• autonomy in the realization of assistance and professional skills
At the end of the professional traineeship of the 3rd year of the course, the student must have reached the training standards established by Directive 2005/36 / EC in order to access the state exam enabling the exercise of the profession.
Students will carry out the professionali activity always under the guidance and supervision of an internship assistant.
At the end of the third year professional traineeship, the student will be able to:
1) provide assistance to the woman in the various stages of physiological labor demonstrating progressive autonomy
2) provide assistance to the eutocic parties by demonstrating progressive autonomy and being able to recognize the clinical situations that require medical intervention
3) provide assistance in all situations of deviation from physiology in collaboration with the doctor
4) instrument surgery in obstetrics and gynecology
5) provide assistance to the physiological infant
6) describe and apply the care plans relating to pathologies in gynecology and gynecological oncology, to the pathological infant
7) describe and apply pre and post operative care plans in obstetric / gynecological surgery
8) perform screening tests for the prevention of female genital cancer
9) perform counseling in obstetrics and gynecology by demonstrating progressive autonomy in active listening, formulation of questions, in giving information
know and apply the main emergency and emergency procedures in the obstetric, gynecological and neonatal fields
1.1 Structure and organization of a ward (physiological obstetrics, gynecology, nursery, neonatology, pathology of pregnancy) of a delivery room, of an obstetric-gynecological operating room, of a consultancy
1.2 Functions of the instruments, the aids and the material
1.3 Correct methods of reordering, restoring and disposing of the material (infected and non-infected, cutting edge, linen, glass, paper)
1.4 Acceptance and discharge procedures, medical records, nursing-obstetric care records, partogram, forms relating to the services performed
1.5 Registration and correct identification of the samples taken
1.6 Operation of an operating room and hygiene and sterility standards
2.1 Reception of the assisted person in different contexts guaranteeing protection of privacy and a positive atmosphere
2.2 Correct and exhaustive information on each intervention or assistance procedure
2.3 Application of the midwifery management process
2.4 Active listening aimed at understanding the needs of the assisted person
2.5 Identification of assistance interventions in response to needs in collaboration with the internship assistant
3.1 Diagnosis of active labor
3.2 Health status in puerperium (assessment of lochia features, uterine contracture, spontaneous urination, perineal sutures, possible signs and symptoms of psychological distress)
3.3 Breastfeeding (breastfeeding evaluation)
3.4 Correct application and interpretation Cardiotocography
3.5 Care paths in obstetrics
3.6 Assessment of obstetric risk in labor
3.7 Assistance of the woman who needs induction
3.8 Midwifery obstetrician in labor
3.9 Partogram compilation
3.10 Postures in labor
3.11 Collaboration assistance in dystocic labor, in operative delivery, in manual secondment
3.12 Preparation of the sterile field for birth assistance
3.13 Childbirth, secondment and suture assistance for lacerations / episiotomies
3.14 Assistance to the newborn and promotion of the mother-child relationship in the postpartum and post-natal period
3.15 Main gynecological surgery
3.16 Care paths related to gynecological pathologies
3.17 Care and hygiene of the newborn
3.18 Feeding the infant
3.19 Detection of anthropometric parameters of the newborn
3.20 Methods of extraction and storage of breast milk
3.21 Newborn handling
3.22 Therapy administration in the newborn
3.23 Feeding evaluation
3.24 Preparation and administration of infant formula
3.25 Capillary sampling, screening tests and acoustic otoemissions
3.26 Surgical washing of hands
3.27 Aseptic dressing and operative field preparation
3.28 Instrumentation for cesarean section operations, revision of the uterine cavity, cerclage
3.29 Collaborate in the instrumentation of gynecological interventions (Laparoscopy, Hysterectomy)
3.30 Surveillance of the patient in the post-operative period
3.31 Obstetric and gynecological history
3.32 Health balance in pregnancy and in the post-natal period
3.33 Pap tests and vaginal swabs
3.34 Promotion and education to a healthy lifestyle in pregnancy and in the other phases of a woman's life cycle
3.35 Accompaniment course at birth
3.36 Planning of obstetric care for women who present obstetric pathologies in pregnancy-puerperium (hypertension, pre-eclampsia, diabetes, heart disease, ...)
The student takes advantage of the slides and texts recommended by the teachers of the characterizing disciplines foreseen for the 3rd year of the course (obstetric-gynecological assistance in urgency and emergency, surgical assistance to the pathology, organizational models of obstetric assistance, obstetric and gynecological sciences).
Consultation and in-depth study of guidelines and protocols in use at the companies where the student carries out the traineeship is required.
The student is required to attend the traineeship activities in the periods and times programmed by the Director of Professional Teaching Activities for a total number of hours equal to 780 hours.
The student is guaranteed:
• 1: 1 coaching of an internship assistant during the course of his / her job
supervision and orientation activities by the Director of Professional Teaching Activities.
For appointments or requests for information, you can contact the Director of Professional Teaching Activities via e-mail at: