Scientific knowledge and specific introductory concepts developed in the two previous years of training.
Written exam in the middle of the course and final oral exam.
The objective of this course is the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the collection and donation of cord blood; to the performance of the obstetric profession; assistance to the out-of-hospital birth at home and in maternity home; to the management and management of the obstetric surgery for low-risk pregnancies contemplated in the new B.R.O.
At the end of the course the student will be able to plan interventions aimed at carrying out the collection of cord blood in various types, knowing the laws and regulations to be able to perform the profession of midwife and in particular the assistance to extra hospital birth in the maternity home and at the home of the pregnant woman and manage an obstetric clinic for low-risk pregnancies according to the guidelines of the new BRO path
At the end of the course it is expected that the student has acquired the following knowledge and skills:
1. Know the concept of stem cells and their regulation in Italy, the various types of cord blood donation and for each one describe their purpose, collection procedure and related documentation and identify the exclusion and / or suitability criteria for donation .
2. Know the methods of autonomous management and the responsibilities of the obstetric profession, identify the permissible conditions for home delivery and safety criteria, organize a home birth or maternity home and the obstetric scholarship; evaluate the obstetric measures and interventions to be implemented in some extreme situations, recognize the complications for the mother and the newborn and manage their eventual transfer to the hospital.
3. Know the forms and modalities of independent professional exercise of the midwife, the opening of the VAT number, the professional study, the social security and insurance coverage, the payment of contributions, health advertising, waste disposal, direct responsibility and co-responsibility; the possibility of volunteering in Italy and abroad.
4. Describe the concept of low-risk pregnancy, continuity of care and promotion of health during pregnancy; organize and conduct an obstetric clinic according to the guidelines of physiological pregnancy and the new B.R.O. path, know how to compile an obstetric file complete with medical history, know the controls to be prescribed during pregnancy established by international guidelines and learn to interpret the results
• Concept and use of stem cells in medicine, purpose and types of umbilical cord blood donation: donation for heterologous, dedicated and autologous use; exclusion criteria and / or suitability for donations, role procedures and responsibility of the midwife.
• Forms and methods of the professional exercise of midwives: independent, associate, voluntary, coordinated and continuous collaborations, in public and private structures, in social cooperatives, teaching and university activity.
• Guidelines of physiological pregnancy, Italian guidelines for assistance to labor and physiological childbirth at home and in maternity home LR 8 May 1987 n. 16.
• Birth Plane: definition and contents, advantages and disadvantages, eventualities and drafting.
• The concept of risk, continuity of care and promotion of health during pregnancy.
• Low risk pregnancy according to the guidelines of the B.R.O.
• Guana M, et al. The obstetric discipline: theory, practice and organization of the profession. McGraw Hill, Milan. 2011
• Guide to the exercise of the obstetric profession. FNCO edition 2008 Scientific Medical Editions.
• Guidelines for the donation of umbilical cord blood IRCCS Milano Cord Blood Bank 2018.
• Guidelines for assistance to labor and physiological childbirth at home and in maternity home: Regional Law 8 May 1987 n. 16.
• Guidelines for home care in childbirth in the Piedmont region Resolution no. 107- 39030 of 10.07.1990.
• The professional profile defined by Ministerial Decree 740/1994
• The deontological code of the midwife.
• Ministerial Decree 24 April 2000 Official Journal no. 131 of 7 June 2000.
• Ministry of Health website
The educational objectives of the course will be achieved through lectures for a total of 16 hours.