Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Midwifery
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (12 hours)

A good general knowledge acquired by the media and literary texts.

Contents of History of Medicine (SM):
- Definition of medicine. From medicine instinctive regular medicine.
- The basics of medicine in the classical world. The body of knowledge Hippocratic-galenical.
- Medication transmission.
- The European Medieval medicine and Universities. The medieval cookbooks.
- Large health problems from the Middle Ages to 'Modern Age. The protagonists of the cure. Places of medicine and places of science.
- The renewal in Modern science. The chapters progress of the knowledge of the human body. New knowledge of anatomy and physiology. The surgeons of the sixteenth century. The sides interpretations of doctrines iatrochemistry and iatromechanics. The optical zoom. Towards the demolition of the doctrine of spontaneous generation. The vaccination.
- The large medical systems to a new understanding of the disease. The mechanisms of social awareness and environmental factors in health and disease. The organ pathology. The victorious statements of basic sciences. The theory phone and cellular pathology.
- The scientific dimension of the nineteenth century. The clinic, hospitals and places of care. Knowledge of semeiotics. The theory phone and cellular pathology. The scene surgery. Medicine and surgery of war. The neutrality of the wounded. The experimental medicine. The identification of infectious agents. The talks between the clinic and laboratory.
- The mental illness. From structures for mad persons to the mental hospital.

Voto Finale

The Course tries to promote the competence of the students in some medical humanities. In details as follows:

Training the students for a coherent ethical reasoning in biomedical contexts of research, practice and work; fostering the personal skills in perceiving a moral dilemma, in justifying an individual evaluation and in dealing with a disagreement inside the staff; implementing the competences in narrative ethics.

Acquire basic knowledge about human sexuality, with reference to the organic dimension and emotional-relational dimension.
Acquire tools for diagnosing and rehabilitation in case of DS
Acquire knowledge about sexuality changes in pregnancy and childbirth, to support the expectant mother as updated health professional
Provide infomations for graduate training program in sexology post graduate
Stimulate critical sense of normality in sexology and a non-judgmental and professional approach, respecting difference, intercultural, and the patient’s need.

Provide cognitive elements of the emerging figure of the health professional forensic
Know the training and skills acquired by the health professional forensic
Identify areas of competence of the midwife / or forensic
Identify and describe the role of the health professional forensic management of the victim of sexual violence
Define the role and responsibilities of the midwife legal and forensic
Know the basics of professional liability

To give to the student the bases for an responsible approach to legal-medical problems concerning profession.

The purpose of course is to encourage students to a critical reading of the cultural and historical medicine.
This purpose will be achieved by providing food for thought on some fundamental issues for several specialized areas of medicine.

Ethical reflections upon the Law 3/2018.
Definition of biomedical ethics; bioethics at the beginning and end of life; ethical issues in the research, in the clinical practice (truth telling, confidentiality, consent and so on), in the public health care (justice, vaccination, organ transplantation, animal rights, and so on) [for details, see the index of the suggested handbooks]. SEXOLOGY:
Human sexuality: introduction and definition
- Historical background of sexology
- Human sexuality’s definitions
- Sexuality functions and items
- Concept of normality in sexology
Sexuality in pregnancy
- Effects of pregnancy on sexuality (organic and psicological factors)
- Sexuality effects on pregnancy (EMB: sexual intercourse influence the onset of labor?)
Sexuality after the delivery
- Organic and hormonal factors
- Bacground, couple relationship, psicological factors
- Perception and expectation of patient
Physiology of sexual response
- Master and Johnson model
- Kaplan model
- Basson model
- Theories comparison
Sexual dysfunction
- Definition, classification and diagnostic criteria
- Organic causes, socio- cultural causes
- Probability indicators
- Disorders of desire and excitement
- Disorders of orgasm
- Painful syndromes
- Hints of therapeutic interventions and examples of requirements
Education and Sexuality
- Background and limits
- Objectives, programs and methods
- Europe Standard Sexual Education
- Data of sexually transmitted diseases and voluntary termination of pregnancy spread
Sex counseling
- Objectives and areas of intervententions
- Model of Cinque cerchi (Willy Pasini)
- History psychosexual
OLF: The health professional expert in legal and forensic disciplines
- Regulatory developments
- The midwife: legal and forensic issues
- The training
- Areas of expertise
– Consulting
The offense and crime
–The offense: definition and laws
- Main types of crime
- Offences borne midwife
- Main types of violence
- Sexual violence and sexual abuse of children (definition and types)
- Victims of violence : reception in first aid, assistance and management
Professional responsibility and autonomy midwife
Expertise report and nursing/obstetric advice
Concepts of penal and civil law, general deontology, SSN, INPS, INAIL, medical professions, voluntary and obligatory treatment, informed consent, professional secret, crime notification, law 194/78 - forms of abuse – professional responsibility - clinical record - mobbing.
SM: see section "prerequisites".

P.M. Cattorini, Bioetica.Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici, Elsevier, Milano, 4th ed. , 2011; P.M. Cattorini, Bioetica e cinema, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2° ed. 2006; T.L. Beauchamp – J.F. Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Oxford Univ. Press, last edition; G.Boniolo-P.Maugeri, Eds., Etica alle frontiere della biomedicina Milano, Mondadori, 2014; D. Neri, La bioetica in laboratorio, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2005. A written multiple choice test is eventually submitted.

Manuale di educazione sessuale – F.Veglia
Principi di sessuologia clinica – M.De Vanna, L.Del Pup, D. Carlino Manuale illustrato di terapia sessuale – Helen S. Kaplan
L’atto sessuale nell’uomo e nella donna – W.Master e V. Johnson Sessualità e sviluppo: psicologia, psicopatologia, clinica – F. Veglia Sessuologia medica. Trattato di psicosessuologia e medicina della sessualità – A.Graziottin
Il piacere al femminile. Miti e realtà della funzione orgasmica nella
donna – R. Bernorio, M. Passigato.
A detailed list of scientific papers in sexology will be distributed by the teacher.

Per OLF:
Benci L., Aspetti giuridici della professione infermieristica
Rodriguez D., Professione ostetrica/o: aspetti di medicina legale e responsabilità
Tolino,Battista,D’Ettore,Liguori, Clinica competenze e responsabilità professionale in ostetricia

Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di medicina legale, Franco Angeli, 2011

G. ARMOCIDA - B. ZANOBIO, Storia della medicina, Masson, Milano 2002
G. ARMOCIDA, Donne naturalmente, Franco Angeli, Milano 2011



Parent course