Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Midwifery
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (16 hours)

It''s not necessary to have scientific and biologic kwnoledge. Teachings of the previos year, with professional training activity, can provaide students a helpful conceptual heritage for face up to arguments of the course

Voto Finale

At the end of the course the student will:
• Have acquired the theoretical and practical knowledge to facilitate appropriate care that aims to safeguard the welfare of the newborn.
• Know and respect the physiological rhythms of the infant from the first moments of life, so as to promote the physical, psycho-emotional and social welfare.
• Be able to plan interventions to support parents about the care of their newborn.

•MIDWIFE’S IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE AT BIRTH: evaluation of the newborn, clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord, the newborn identification, meeting the mother-child

•MIDWIFE’S SUPPORT IN THE EARLY HOURS OF LIFE: neonatal welfare assessment , neonatal development of the skills, the first bath, measurement of weight, length, head circumference, and ophthalmic prophylaxis against bleeding

•NEWBORN’S MIDWIFE SERVICE IN THE FIRST DAYS OF LIFE: rooming-in, observation of the newborn (physiological phenomena, reflexes, sleep patterns, crying), hygiene and care of the newborn''s umbilical cord, neonatal screening

• BREAST-FEEDING: WHO recommendations, the composition and the benefits of breast milk, sucking, how to start breastfeeding, breastfeeding in special situations, problems early, late problems, techniques and tools, counseling, discussion of clinical cases. )

• ARTIFICIAL FEEDING: practical rules

slides, lessons notes
Maglietta-Puericultura- Masson
Pescetto et al-Manuale di ginecologia e ostetricia-SEU
Ortelli-Metodologia infermieristica applicata- Masson
Bennet, Brown-Manuale dell’ostetrica di Myles- edi-ermes
Soldera-Le emozioni della vita prenatale_Macro edizioni.
Winnicott-Ibambini e le loro madri-Cortina
Bowlby-Una base sicura-Cortina
Brazelton-I bisogni irrinunciabili dei bambini-Cortina.
Savane king-Allattamento al seno: come aiutare le madri-AMREF.
Allattamento al seno. Il libro delle risposte vol.1e2- La Leche League International
Giustardi-La promozione dell’allattamento al seno-Editeam
Menghetti- Manuale di neonatologia- SEU
Valle, Bottino ,Meregalli , Zanini- Manuale di sala parto- Edi-ermes
Manuale di rianimazione neonatale, 4° edizione
Costantini, Calistri- Ostetricia-Piccin
