It''s not necessary to have scientific and biologic kwnoledge. Teachings of the previos year, with professional training activity, can provaide students a helpful conceptual heritage for face up to arguments of the course
At the end of the course the student will:
• Have acquired the theoretical and practical knowledge to facilitate appropriate care that aims to safeguard the welfare of the newborn.
• Know and respect the physiological rhythms of the infant from the first moments of life, so as to promote the physical, psycho-emotional and social welfare.
• Be able to plan interventions to support parents about the care of their newborn.
THE PHISIOLOGICAL NEWBORN: definition and classification
• GENERAL FEATURES OF THE NEWBORN: biometric values, attitude and appearance
• ADAPTATION IN EXTRA UTERINE LIFE: respiratory, cardiovascular and metabolic adaptation
• OBSTETRICS NEWBORN CARE: neonatal obstetric care at delivery and in the first following hours
slides, lessons notes,
Maglietta-Puericultura- Masson
Pescetto et al-Manuale di ginecologia e ostetricia
Ortelli-Metodologia infermieristica applicata
Bennet, Brown-Manuale dell’ostetrica di Myles- edi-ermes
Soldera-Le emozioni della vita prenatale_Macro edizioni.
Winnicott-Ibambini e le loro madri-Cortina
Bowlby-Una base sicura-Cortina
Brazelton-I bisogni irrinunciabili dei bambini-Cortina.
Savane king-Allattamento al seno: come aiutare le madri-AMREF.
Allattamento al seno. Il libro delle risposte vol.1e2- La Leche League International
Giustardi-La promozione dell’allattamento al seno-Editeam
Menghetti- Manuale di neonatologia- SEU
Valle, Bottino ,Meregalli , Zanini- Manuale di sala parto- Edi-ermes
Manuale di rianimazione neonatale, 4° edizione
Costantini, Calistri- Ostetricia-Piccin