Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Midwifery
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours)

No specific scientific or disciplinary knowledge is required.

No specific scientific or disciplinary knowledge is required.

No knowledge or specific skills are request

Voto Finale

At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Describe the principles, methods and types of handwashing, bed reconstruction, detection of vital parameters and body hygiene.
2. Describe the principles and procedures for promoting urinary and intestinal elimination.
3. Describe the main diagnostic tests and procedures for their execution.
4. Describe the principles and procedures for patient mobilization.

The student will also acquire the scientific terminology for communication in the field of reference.
The practical exercises associated with the course aim to enhance and complete the theoretical lessons in relation to nursing procedures.

This course aims to acquire knowledge related to the theories and models of the obstetric discipline and knowledge related to the implementation of the obstetric care process based on the use of the scientific method.
The student must learn and be able to apply the principles of hospital infections prevention, the preparation and management of a sterile field and the execution of a simple medication.

At the end of the course the student is expected to have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
1. Awareness of the concepts of Obstetric / Midwifery Discipline, man, need, health, illness, environment and society;
2. Knowing how to define and describe the theoretical-conceptual models of care and the phases of the assistance process;
3. Knowing how to describe the assessment phase in the assistance process by discussing its purpose; be able to identify the skills required for obstetric assessment and be able to describe the data collection process;
4. Awareness of the different models used in the organization of the verified data;
5. Knowing how to relate the characteristics of the scientific method as a systematic study of the phenomena of reality;
6. Knowing how to describe the elements of the communication process and their relevance for obstetric care;
7. Knowing how to define and implement assistance procedures related to user safety in the care setting;
8. Knowing how to define and implement the assistance procedures related to the management of a sterile field and the execution of a simple medication

At the end of the course the student has to know the evolution of midwife position in the history, the legislation related to the profession especially the areas of activity and responsability, the current educational training in reference at European standards, the health documentation, the obstetric triage and the professional confidentiality.
The teaching has the goal to transmit skills like the knowledge and the ability of consult and complete the obstetric medical records, the ability to perform the obstetric triage, the capacity to maintain confidentiality in the relationship with the patient and guarantee the professional secret. Forward the student will be able to due the working activity applying the knowledge about the specific professional legislation in the respect of rules and laws.

1. Hand hygiene: Reasons for the execution of handwashing.Handwashing types.
2. Sleeping unit: Procedure for the remaking of the free bed. Procedure for remaking the occupied bed.
3. Vital signs: Body temperature.The arterial pulse. The blood pressure. Breathing.
4. Personal hygiene: Principles for carrying out body hygiene.Total hygiene and perineal hygiene.Footbath, oral hygiene, hygiene of the eyes and hair hygiene.How to take off and put on clothing.
5. Urinary excretion:Urinary tract anatomy and physiology. Features of diuresis and urine. Bladder catheterization.
6. Intestinal Elimination: Gastrointestinal Anatomy and physiology. Features of the feces. Insertion of a rectal probe and execution of an enema.
7. Diagnostic and laboratory tests: Operator Responsibility. Urine test. Feces test. Investigations on the blood. Vaginal swabs. Instrumental diagnostic Tests: EKG and implementation procedure.
8. Peripheral venous catheter:Definition and purposes.Positioning procedure.Complications.
9. Patient mobilization: Description of the principles of mobility and body mechanics.Health education for personal health: "Move without getting hurt". Fall prevention: Conley scale.Patient mobilization procedures:positioning of the patient in the bed;first time standing up and assistance in walking;transfer of a wheelchair bed;bed-patient transfer.
1. Theories and Models in Obstetric Discipline (Midwifery): Man as a biological and social being; Theoretical-conceptual models of care; Midwifery management: the phases of the assistance process; Assessment: types of assessment, assessment skills, assessment activities; organization of data according to the foot-head model, the physiological model of Marjori Gordon, the model of Marisa Cantarelli, the model of care for human processes.
2. The Scientific Method in Obstetric Discipline: The solution of health problems through the application of scientific methodology: Communication underlying the obstetric-female relationship and the communication process.
3. The safety of the patient: Correct identification of the patient; Prevention of healthcare-related infections; Characteristics of the postoperative ward.
4. Asepsis and Sterile Field; Sterilization methods; Sterilization process; Sterile field; Simple medication.
1. Historic excursus of a midwife.
2. Evolution of legislation in the training of a midwife: from the beginning of a nationally regulated training, to the university degree and the institution of the degree classes.
3. Distinctive characters of a profession and the intellectual professions.
4. Legislative developments of midwife profession with particular reference to professional responsability and autonomy.
5. Training and intership goals in reference at European standards.
6. Midwife code of conduct.
7. The obstetric medical record: definition, content, rules for consultation and compilation, example of medical record (Varese hospital).
8. Obstetric triage: what is it used for and how it is implemented.
9. The professional secrecy and the privacy code: general principles.

• Ruth Craven, Costance Hirnle, Sharon Jensen. (2013-Quinta edizione) Principi fondamentali dell’Assistenza Infermieristica, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
• Sironi, C. & Baccin, G. (2006) Procedure per l’assistenza infermieristica, Masson.
• D.U. Silverthorn. Fisiologia un approccio integrato. Casa editrice Ambrosiana.
• Protocolli, Linee guida, Percorsi Assistenziali, Istruzioni operative Generali - Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale dei Sette Laghi

• Ruth Craven, Costance Hirnle, Sharon Jensen. (2013-Quinta edizione) Principi fondamentali dell’Assistenza Infermieristica, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
• Patrizia Di Giacomo, Luisa Anna Rigon. (2016-Seconda edizione) Assistenza infermieristica e ostetrica in area materno-infantile, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
• Davide Ausili, Giliola Baccin, Sabrina Bezze, Stefania Di Mauro, Cecilia Sironi (2015) L’impiego dell’ICNP con il modello assistenziale dei processi umani: un quadro teorico per l’assistenza infermieristica di fronte alla sfida della complessità, C.N.A.I. 2015
• Guana, M. et al. (2006) La disciplina ostetrica. Teoria, pratica e organizzazione della professione, McGraw-Hill.
• Sironi, C. & Baccin, G. (2006) Procedure per l’assistenza infermieristica, Masson.
• Protocolli, Linee guida, Percorsi Assistenziali, Istruzioni operative Generali - Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale dei Sette Laghi.

• “Call the midwife” Jennifer Worth
• “Nati in casa” Giuliana Musso (DVD)
• Law 341/1990 and result DM 24 luglio 1996
• DM 509/1999 and result DM 136/2001
• DM 740/1994, law 42/1999, law 251/2000
• Law 833/1978 and 502/1992 (nods)
• Law 43/2006
• Penal and Civil code refers to professional responsability
• Deontological code of midwife (last revision june 2010)
• “Manuale della cartella clinica” edit by Regione Lombardia (I edition 2001, II edition 2007)
• Obstetric medical record and obstetric assistance documentation ASST SETTE LAGHI
• “Triage infermieristico” G.F.T. second edition McGraw-Hill 2005 (GLOBAL TRIAGE METHOD)
• Law 675/2006, Dlgs 196/2003, article 622 CP

