Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Knowledge related to the preparatory courses according with the institutuional schedules. Specifically, knowledge of the human anatomy of the female pelvis as well as the physiology of female reproductive organs is considered mandatory.

The exam is conducted orally with questions on the two modules of the integrated course.
Will be evaluated:
- the accuracy and completeness of the answers
- the level of knowledge of the discussed argument
- the ability to argue, synthesize, create interdisciplinary links, and clinical reasoning
- the ability to use the appropriate terminology

Voto Finale

The course aim is to provide theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of gynecological and obstetric pathophysiology, obstetric pathology as well as benign and malignant gynecological pathology. This represents an integral and qualifying part of the professional training of the medical doctor.

-To explore and understand the life cycle of women, including the effects of growth, development and aging; the etiology, pathophysiology and natural history of acute and chronic diseases pertaining to the female genital apparatus.
-To determine the main risk factors influencing the onset of benign and malignant gynecological diseases.
-To comprehend the characteristics, the mechanisms of action and the indications of drugs use.
-To become confident with the main non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions (behavioral, surgical) for the treatment of the most common gynecological diseases, as well as the main instrumental diagnostic interventions necessary to a correct classification of the various pathologies.
- To know how to discuss the totality of clinical problems and address the therapeutic diagnostic process considering the centrality of the patient, according with the most recent evidence-based literature.
- To understand the proper method of medical history collection, including the various aspects of lifestyles affecting the gynecological field.
- To acquire the knowledge for a first-level clinical assessment in both obstetric and gynecological field.
- To learn how to communicate with patients wit advanced oncological diseases and / or with poor prognosis.
- To recognize the conditions and pathologies (especially in the obstetric field) representing an potentilally life-threating events.
- To discuss the various obstetric and gynecological problems in a multidisciplinary framework, involving medical and surgical specialties.
- To promote strategies for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, implementing screening and early diagnosis interventions.
- To interpret epidemiological and demographic data from national or international surveillance registers.
- To demonstrate knowledge on the methodolog for a correct approach to scientific research in the obstetrical field.
- To master the newest technological equipments in the field of obstetrics ad gynecology
