To fully understand the topics addressed in the present course, students should possess basic notions of cellular biology
Students will be divided into teams of 1- 2 and asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation (25-30 minutes in duration, including the discussion on topics that will be assigned during the first weeks of the course. The presentation will be evaluated and graded based on Synthesis, Clarity and Ability to discuss. The final exam consists of an test on selected topic from the syllabus.
The course is designed to provide an updated overview of the molecular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of stemness and the role of microenvironment-niches, in the first module.
In the second module students will be introduced in the technologies of use in the research laboratories in molecular biology of health
Some topics selected from the syllabus will be assigned to the students who, in teams of 1-2 students each, will prepare an oral presentation that will be presented and discussed at the end of the course in front of the teacher and of their classmates. The topics that are the object of students' presentations are also part of the course program.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
Understanding the concept of stem cells-microenvironment-niches
Identify suitable technologies in use
Know the different technologies of Imagin
At the end of the course, students should have developed the ability to effectively to research data in the scientific literature, to synthetize them in a PowerPoint and to competently discuss the presented material.
Definition of stem cells
Definition of microenvironment
Cell cycle Control
Apoptosis via intrinsic
Apoptosis Via Extrinsic
Embryonic stem cells
Adult stem Cells
Parenchymal stem Cells
Circulating stem cells
Proliferation-induced cells (IPS)
Transcription factors that induce proliferation
Transcription factors involved in differentiation
Some clinical applications of stem cells
Near-fast red fluorescence
Mass determination
Image analysis
New preclinical applications of image analysis
Students will find the visual materials and articles relevant to the topics presented during the lectures on the Moodle platform, compatibly with the laws on copyright.
Highly recommended reading: Molecular Biology of the cell-5° edition- Alberts
The course consists of ex cathedra lectures, but aims at creating a direct interaction between students and teacher, in order to stir the students' interest concerning the topics of the course.
Lectures and the accompanying visual materials are the major source of information for the student. Thus consistent attendance is recommended; students are also encouraged to further investigate aspects of special interest, by critically searching the literature and the Internet
Credits: 5
Credits: 4