CHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISK TO HUMAN HEALTH - Human Exposure Assessment Form to risk agents
Basics of mathematics, physics, organic and inorganic chemistry, biology. English reading comprehension.
- Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Hazard, risk, exposure and health effects. Different approaches for human exposure assessment – The risk assessment paradigm. Exposure assessment via environmental monitoring, biological monitoring, modelling.
- Chemical risk: classification of risk factors, exposure assessment for chemicals and UNI EN 689, OELs and TLVs. Dermal exposure assessment. Gases and vapours, aerosols and fibres. Basic principles of sampling.
- Physical risk: noise, ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, microclimate.
- Biological risk.
- Occupational risk management.
- The National regulatory framework for the protection of human health.
- Indoor air quality (IAQ).
- Atmospheric pollution: impacts on human health.
- Industrial air emissions.
- Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Hazard, risk, exposure and health effects. Different approaches for human exposure assessment (environmental monitoring, biological monitoring, exposure modeling). - Basics of toxicology in the context of the development of exposure limits. 12h.
- Chemical risk: classification of risk factors (CLP), exposure assessment for chemicals and UNI EN 689, OELs and TLVs. Dermal exposure assessment. Gases and vapours, aerosols and fibres. Basic principles of sampling. 12h.
- Physical risk: noise, ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, microclimate. 6h.
- Biological risk: bacteria, viruses and fungi. Infectious potential, risk profiles. Basic principles of sampling. 2h.
- Occupational risk management. 2h.
- The National regulatory framework for the protection of environment and human health. 4h.
- Indoor air quality (IAQ). 4h.
- Control banding and IAQ modeling. 2h.
- Atmospheric pollution (particulate matter and gaseous key contaminants) and impacts on human health. 2h.
- Industrial atmospheric emissions. 2h.
A pdf booklet and lesson slides will be provided to the students (e-learning environment).
Recommended books:
• P.A. Bertazzi, I. Grappasonni. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica. Salute e Ambiente. Piccin Nuova Libreria. 2016.
• Lorenzo Alessio, Giuliano Franco G, Francesco Tomei. Trattato di Medicina del Lavoro. Piccin Nuova Libreria. Volume 2. 2015
Frontal lectures and use of the videoconference technology.
Students can ask for clarifications after each lesson. The lecturer is available by appointment (to be contacted by e-mail). The Office is located at the -1 floor, Via Valleggio 11, Como. Some relevant questions can be specifically discussed using the e-learning platform.