History of European Integration
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The basic scientific and conceptual tools and notions acquired in the bachelor degree course, in particular those in the linguistic, historical and scientific communication areas.
The final evaluation will be estimated through an oral exam. The final mark will reflect the student’s degree of acquisition of knowledges and competences provided by the course. To assess them, the following criteria will be applied, taking into account also the communicative goals distinguishing the degree course: knowledge of the subject matter, synthesis and analysis skills,
expressive and language fluency.
Course description and learning objectives
The course will analyze international relations amongst European countries within the framework of the European integration process. In particular, political actions in favour of the creation of the United States of Europe will be recalled and historically collocated in the global context.
Emphasis will thus be given to the complex variety of factors which have contributed to the European construction. This process indeed, which regards the creation of a new State, involves civil society and deals with the phenomenology of its economic, political, social, cultural and religious behavior. The intertwining between national political cultures and Europeanist and federalist ideals, the role played by intellectuals and politicians, the impact of the initiatives undertaken by the movements for European unity, governmental and diplomatic actions and policies: they are all factors which have in their own way shaped the acquis communitaire. As such this should be therefore understood and interpreted.
The course is meant to give students the ability to apply and interpret their new knowledge on the topic, thus helping them to better understand European issues and dynamics as well as international political and cultural relations. This will enable them to enter the professional communication environment with the appropriate cognitive competences.
A specific seminar will be dedicate to the role of local authorities within the European integration process, which must be interpreted in a federal sense. A second seminar will recall the historical process leading to the direct election of the European Parliament (1957-1979).
The course is divided into two parts:
1. The general part will analyze the evolution of federalism from Roman times to the European system of States.
2. The monographic course will retrace the history of European integration from First World War to the Treaty of Lisbon, with a particular focus on the creation of communalist movements in the interwar period and on the role played by local authorities in the European integration process
Students should read the following texts:
Chapters chosen from:
1. Emilio R. Papa, Storia dell'Unificazione europea, Bompiani, 2016
2. F. Zucca, Le relazioni internazionali degli enti locali. Dai gemellaggi al Comitato delle Regioni: cinquant’anni di storia dell’integrazione europea, Piero Lacaita Editore, Manduria-Bari-Roma, 2013
3. The following e-learning files should be consulted:
a)Alpi nella storia europea
b) Manifesto di Ventotene
c) Modelli regioni europee
d) Autonomie locali nell’Unione Europea
e) Seminario
f) La politica internazionale delle autonomie locali. Un contributo per una diversa storia dell’Integrazione europea
g) Dalla conferenza dei poteri locali al CdR.
The objectives of the course will be achieved through frontal lessons (a total of 48 hours). They will deal also with a critical analysis of social-political texts published on websites, newspapers and journals. Attending class is highly recommended.
Lecturer will meet students upon previous agreement (write to fabio.zucca@uninsubria.it) by Padiglione Morselli via Dunant 3 Varese.