Television and crossmedia languages
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Attending students: analysis papers, integrating the acquired skills from the texts in the bibliography (5-10 folders from 2000 spaces)
Non-Attending students: open questions written exam on the texts in the bibliography
Teaching targets and expected learning Outcomes
The course aims to deepen the storytelling transmedia practices that characterize the contemporary media system, both in theoretical and practical terms; the specific objectives concern both the ability to analyze, understand and interpret cross-media phenomena (web, television, digital environment) and to develop real models, with particular focus on the migration of television content into web and social networks. The main object of study will be the cross-media evolution of the contemporary audiovisual segment that explores the hybridization possibilities and development integrated with other media, from the most traditional (publishing, radio and web) to the more growth ones (digital devices, mobile, Social network).
The expected learning outcomes therefore indicate:
knowledge of the contemporary media ecosystem
awareness of the role of the consumer and the media consumer
creative and realizative ability of cross-media texts
cross-media development of the product
The course will cover the theoretical and practical study of the following forms of texts:
- adaptation of narrative texts from one media system to the other (cinema, tv series, comics)
- adaptation of non-fiction formats
- cross-media development of a television product
Attending students:
- A. D. Lotz, Post Network, minimum fax, Roma 2017
- J.K. Chalaby, L’era dei format, minimum fax, Roma 2017
Non-Attending students:
• S. Arcagni, Visioni digitali. Video, web e nuove tecnologie, Einaudi, Torino 2016
• F. Rose, Immersi nelle storie. Il mestiere di raccontare nell’era di internet, Codice, Torino 2013
• 2 texts chosen from those provided by the teacher
• H. Jenkins, Cultura convergente, Apogeo, Milano 2007
• F. Casetti, F. Di Chio, Analisi della televisione, Bompiani, Milano 1998
• V. Innocenti, G. Pescatore (a cura di), Le forme della nuova serialità televisiva, Bologna, Archetipolibri, 2008.
• D. Cardini, La lunga serialità televisiva, Carocci, Roma 2004.
• V. Innocenti, M. Perrotta (a cura di), Reality, factual, makeover. Lo spettacolo della trasformazione nella televisione contemporanea, Bulzoni, Roma 2013
• L. Barra, Palinsesto. Storia e tecnica della programmazione televisiva, Laterza, 2015
The training targets will be achieved through the frontal lecture (for a total of 64 hours), which include:
- presentation and discussion of the main theoretical issues;
- classroom reading and interpretation of media texts;
- analysis of texts viewed in laboratory mode