Industrial economics and policy
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Economics I represents a prerequisite for this course. It is also required the knowledge of the basic principles of elementary mathematics.
The exam will be only oral, according to the exam calendar that will be published afterwards. The exam will aim at assessing the student's reasoning ability in economic terms and his/her ability on scientific rigor and math and econ language on the course topics.
Course Aims and Expected Learning Results
Aim of the course is that of providing who is already familiar with the basic principles of Economics with a more advanced study in microeconomics and in particular on firms, markets and on firms' strategic interactions on markets. We offer the opportunity to the attending student to study more in depth market situations typical of tourism and very famous market powered firms' strategies like price discrimination, vertical relations and contracts used in the relationships between manufacturers and retailers; product differentiation and advertising; entry deterrence strategies and coping with potential competition. In the last part of the course we will study european antitrust principles and those regarding the state aids intervention. Some well-known antitrust and state aids intervention cases will be studied.
We expect that, at the end of the course, the student be familiar with the typical market contests of the tourism industry and their expected outcomes. Furthermore we expect that the student be familiar at the end of the course with the main european antitrust and state aids intervention principles and their economic implications.
Course Topics and Program
The following topics will be studied in class and are part of the course program: classic oligopoly models: Bertrand, Cournot and Stackelberg (8 hours);Price discrimination (8 hours); Vertical relations between firms (8 hours) Product differentiation: Hotelling model (7 hours); advertising and the Dorfman-Steiner model (3 hours); potential competition and entry deterrence strategies (3 hours); european antitrust and state aids intervention principles; a comparison with the U.S ones; some case studies. (8 hours)
Furthermore, at the beginning of the course, we will spend 1 hour on introductory concepts and definitions and 4 hours in recalling perfect competition and monopoly.
L.Cabral, Industrial Economics, Carocci, Rome,2002. Chapters: 1-7 and 10-15.
Teaching methods
There will be 50 hours of lectures given by the professor in charge for the course.
The teacher has got office hours on Mondays, from 3 pm to 4 pm in the Department (S.Abbondio, Manica Lunga)or in Prorectorate (via Natta 14, Como) according to agreements. Teacher's email at:
Degree course in: