Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Professional education
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (20 hours)


Voto Finale

An educator is responsible for the planning and achievement of all educational goals aimed at the individual’s global development and his/her positive social integration. An educator therefore promotes those psychological, relational and environmental conditions which help people to develop their growth and autonomy potential in conditions of need.
The course’s objectives are therefore the following:
- To gain theorical-pedagogical knowledge in order to reach critical thought.
- To gain basic elements for self observation and self criticism both at work and in relationships, i.e. self-awareness (personal characteristics, limits and operational and relationship skills).
- To learn how to interpret and understand people’s needs in their complexity and in different contexts.
- To learn how to relate to others in interpersonal and group relationships at a professional level.
- To learn how to work in a team

Self-knowledge: an educator is his/her own main professional instrument. It is therefore necessary to achieve self-knowledge.
Life as a couple: to investigate interpersonal relationships becomes a job instrument and the dinamics that take place in a couple’s relationship become an object of reflection and conscience.
Family: family is perceived both as a place for educational intervention and as everybody’s pedagogical past. Post-war to present day evolution of family models.
Support/care: in a supporting relationship one carefully researches one’s own professional goal.
New and old media: the media are hidden persuaders, their knowledge and their usage in pedagogical sense become an urgent educational emergency.
In the sign of female: the path of the female gender has given rise to the pedagogy of difference. Preventing violence against women requires a cultural change where respect for others is a basic element of coexistence.
Time of education: the education time is the time of respect for diversity, valuing differences, taking charge with respect for others.
Educational Care: to take care of the patient and not the disease, to remain close in sorrow, to support in rehabilitation and healing pathways or just accompanying suffering. Care as becoming pedagogical research.
Pedagogical work: from pedagogical work to new teaching methodologies; different forms of communication; implicit and explicit methodologies i.e. organisational and observational methodologies for the identification and planning of objectives

La relazione d’aiuto di Andrea Canevaro; Istruzioni per rendersi infelici di Paul Watzlawich; Dalla parte dei genitori di Daniele Novara; L’ospite inquietante di Umberto Galimberti; La fine della famiglia di Roberto Volpi; Internet ci rende stupidi? di Nicholas Carr; La pedagogia della lumaca di Gianfranco Zavalloni; L’epoca delle passioni tristi di Benasayag e Schmit; L’educatore imperfetto di Sergio Tramma;

Reading book: Edu©are. La cura del malato in ospedale, di Marchini, Vender or La pedagogia del coraggio di Voglino, Corni, Varano.




Parent course