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Didactics and Special Education Module
To know the fundamentals of the pedagogical and didactic field related to the professionalism of the educator, hints of special education.
Didactics and Special Education Module
Individual discussion
Objectives: Didactics and Special Education Module - Prof. Bonometti
At the end of the module, students will be able to recognize and deepen the salient aspects of educational activity, to know in an appropriate way the competences of the educator, to compare themselves with the main models of special pedagogy.
Didactics and Special Education Module
Consolidation of the foundations of educational action
Educational care
Educational action in a systemic perspective and networking
The competences of the educator
Transforming specialty into an educational everyday life
Didactics and Special Education Module
W. Brandani, P. Zuffinetti (2004). Le competenze dell’educatore professionale, Carocci, Milano (capp.1-5)
D. Ianes, La speciale normalità, Erickson, Trento.
Didactics and Special Education Module
Lessons through the use of maps, slides and movie sequences
Credits: 1
Credits: 2