Logo of the course in Mathematics
Academyc Year 2023/2024
First cycle degree in MATHEMATICS

L-35 - Class Of First Degrees In Mathematical Science
Place of teaching: Como - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: BAZZONI GIOVANNI

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

Il corso prepara alla professione di (codifiche ISTAT): testo - inglese: 
  • Matematici -

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

Graduates in Mathematics:

a) they are able to build and develop logical arguments with clear identification of assumptions and conclusions;

b) are able to recognize correct demonstrations, and identify fallacious reasoning;

c) are able to understand the mathematical associated models with practical situations arising from other disciplines, and to use these models to facilitate the study of the original situation;

d) have experience of group work, but they also know how to work independently.

The skills listed are developed through all the activities planned by the course. Mathematical modeling of concrete problems is presented in some of the required courses, particularly those of a physical and numerical. These skills are assessed through examinations and conducting seminars.

The activities foreseen in the curriculum proposed are largely individual. However, collaboration among students to solve problems assigned during exercise and for the preparation of projects and seminars to be held during the courses accustom students to work in groups.

Communication skills: 

Graduates in Mathematics:

a) are able to describe problems, ideas and solutions for Mathematics, both its own and other authors, to a specialized audience or generic, both written and oral;

b) are able to communicate with experts in other fields, recognizing the opportunity to formalize mathematically problems in scope, industrial or financial.

The capacities quoted are acquired by all the activities foreseen in the curriculum, and in particular through the preparation for conducting seminars and the final examination. Seminars and final exam are also the main means by which these skills are assessed.

Learning skills: 

Graduates in Mathematics:

a) are able to continue their studies, both in mathematics and in other disciplines, with a high degree of autonomy;

b) have a flexible mindset, and are able to fit in quickly in the workplace, easily adapting to new challenges.

All courses provided help to provide these capabilities, which are one of winning features and recognized graduate in Mathematics.

La prova finale consiste nella redazione di una tesina di argomento monografico, concordato con un docente di riferimento, nella quale lo studente deve principalmente mostrare, in un elaborato scritto, le sue autonome capacità di comprensione e di sintesi. Le modalità della presentazione della tesina di fronte ad apposita commissione, e della valutazione finale, saranno specificate nel Regolamento Didattico.