19th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics

The COMET 2021 programme is now available.
Registration is now accessible here: https://forms.office.com/r/fG8FbDVmeW
The 19th International Conference on Communication, Medicine, and Ethics (COMET) will be hosted by the University of Insubria, Como, Italy, 28-30 June 2021. The Post-COMET Masterclass is scheduled for 1 July 2021.
Please note, the conference will take place online via Microsoft Teams (tutorial). We strongly believe that the goal of COMET 2021 is to foster a scholarly network despite the global pandemic that keeps us physically apart.
The COMET conference aims to bring together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds involving various healthcare specialties and the human and social sciences. A special emphasis is on the dissemination of ongoing research in language/discourse/communication studies in relation to healthcare education, patient participation and professional ethics.
- Richard Ashcroft (City, University of London, UK)
- Jerome Groopman and Pamela Hartzband (Harvard Medical School, USA)
- Lorelei Lingard (Western University, Canada)
Contact: comet2021@uninsubria.it
For time zone conversions, please consider using Time Zone Converter.
Book of Abstracts
Oral Presentation and Poster Guidelines
- Oral presentations are scheduled in live sessions of 90 minutes, with 30 minutes (20 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for discussion) allocated to each individual presentation.
- Presenters are encouraged to use audio-visual support elements, such as PowerPoint, Prezi, etc., to accompany their talks.
- Tutorial: How to share PowerPoint slides in Microsoft Teams (pdf tutorial)
- The poster must be A0 size (A0 size is 841mm x 1189mm, or 33.1 inches x 46.8 inches) in portrait or landscape orientation.
- Ensure your submission is in pdf format and named with and the last name of the first (submitting) author followed by _COMET2021poster , e.g. smith_COMET2021poster.pdf.
- Email your poster to grechi.daniele@uninsubria.it by 24 June, h. 12:00 GMT+2.
- Title: should be in bold. Author’s affiliations and e-mail addresses should be included.
- Text: about 500-1000 words, 1.5 or 2 lines of spaces should be used between each line.
- Headings: should be 25% larger than normal text. Bold or other colors may be used.
- Suggested font sizes are (for the A0 format):
- Main title: 78 pt (bold, upper case)
- Author: 72 pt (bold, title case)
- Affiliation(s): 48 pt (normal, title case)
- Email address: 36 pt (bold)
- Subheading: 36 pt (bold upper case)
- Body of text: 24 pt (normal)
- Smaller fonts may be used in citations and acknowledgement.
- The online poster presentation session will take place during a dedicated session (5-7 minutes for each individual poster). During your presentation you can use this poster as a visual support or break it into 3-5 ppt slides.
Conference themes
- Client-Professional Encounters (involving doctors, counsellors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, speech and language therapists, psychotherapists, etc.)
- Communicating Risk and Uncertainty
- Communication Skills Training
- Distributed Expertise among Professionals and Clients
- Ethics and Communication
- Evidence in Diagnosis and Non-Diagnosis
- Health and Disability
- Health, Wellbeing and the Lifespan
- Health Literacy
- Interpreter Mediated Healthcare Delivery
- Intercultural Communication in Health
- Interprofessional Communication and Hospital Management Systems
- Media and Health Communication
- Medical Education
- Narratives of Illness Experience
- Public Understanding of Health and Illness
- Quality of Life and Quality of Care
- Representation of the Body
- Research Ethics
- Health Technologies and Medical Informatics
- (Shared) Decision Making
- Tailoring Health Messages
- Telemedicine
- Values and Responsibilities in Professional Practice
Call for Proposals and Submission Guidelines
Proposal submission deadline extended to 15 February 2021
We are pleased to announce that the proposal deadline has been extended for the 19th International Conference on Communication, Medicine, and Ethics (COMET), which will be hosted by the University of Insubria, Como, Italy, 28-30 June 2021. The Post-COMET Masterclass is scheduled for 1 July 2021.
Please note, the conference will take place online. Further details will be provided as soon as possible. We strongly believe that the goal of COMET 2021 is to foster a scholarly network despite the global pandemic that keeps us physically apart.
The COMET conference aims to bring together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds involving various healthcare specialties and the human and social sciences. A special emphasis is on the dissemination of ongoing research in language/discourse/communication studies in relation to healthcare education, patient participation and professional ethics.
Online proposal submission is still open. All proposals must be submitted by 15 February 2021. To submit your proposal click HERE.
Decisions about acceptance/rejection will be communicated by 1 April 2021. Following formal acceptance, the responsible (presenting) authors must register participation prior to the finalisation of the conference programme. Early registration opens on in April 2021.
Proposals include panels, individual presentations (oral or poster) and work-in-progress roundtables.
Panels should address a common theme, content or methodological area, and will be scheduled for 90 minutes.
In addition to individual proposals (no more than 250 words each), please also submit an overview description of no more than 300 words highlighting the panel’s content and objectives. Provide information about the panel members and the coordinator, stating full institutional affiliations and e-mail addresses.
INDIVIDUAL PAPERS (oral or poster)
Proposals for individual papers (no more than 250 words) must clearly indicate a preference for oral or poster presentation. Following the peer review process, the organisers will determine whether a proposal is selected for oral or poster presentation. Posters will be presented during a dedicated session (5-7 minutes for each individual poster). Oral presentations will typically be scheduled in sessions of 90 minutes, with 30 minutes (20 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for discussion) allocated to each individual presentation.
Proposals for work-in-progress roundtables should be no more than 250 words targeted at oral presentation. The roundtables will be in sessions of 90 minutes, with individual presentations lasting 30 minutes (15 minutes for presentation + 15 minutes for discussion). This format is particularly suitable for early career researchers pursuing doctoral and postdoctoral studies and for experienced researchers undertaking/planning pilot projects or interested in reporting preliminary results. Please indicate clearly if your proposal falls into this category. Proposal submission deadline: 15 February 2021.
Download Call for proposals as PDF
Proposal selection criteria
All proposals undergo a double blind peer-review process.
Please note that COMET conference policy is one main oral presentation per author. You may choose to submit more than one proposal, but normally only one proposal will be accepted for oral presentation. Any additional accepted proposals may be presented as poster(s).
There is no fixed template for writing proposals but authors are urged to attend to the following criteria which will form the basis for peer review:
- originality of the topic and its relevance to the conference
- background contextualisation of the study
- relationship between title and content
- structural organisation
- theoretical/methodological appropriateness
- clarity of claims and relevance
Individual panels are reviewed in their entirety on the above criteria but also on the basis of their relevance to broader issues in communication, medicine, and ethics; the overall coherence of the proposal; and the usefulness of the panel to participants.
Decisions about acceptance/rejection will be communicated by 1 April 2021. Following formal acceptance, the responsible (presenting) authors must register participation prior to the finalisation of the conference programme. Early registration opens in April 2021.
Publication Opportunity
All COMET 2021 presenters (oral, poster, panel etc.) are eligible to submit written versions of their work for possible inclusion in the journal Communication & Medicine. Note that all submissions will go through the routine peer review system. The guidelines for online submission can be accessed at: https://journal.equinoxpub.com/cam/
Further details, including deadlines, will be communicated at the closing session of COMET 2021.
1 July 2021
"Engaging Qualitatively with Healthcare Communication"
Online Masterclass by Srikant Sarangi
Post-Comet Masterclass registration form: https://forms.office.com/r/tnWKNFwFTx
Please download the programme below.
Registration is now accessible: https://forms.office.com/r/fG8FbDVmeW
Instructions are included in the registration form.
Organising Committee
Srikant Kumar Sarangi (Aalborg University)
Alessandra Vicentini (University of Insubria)
Kim Grego (University of Milan)
Daniel Russo (University of Insubria)
Daniele Grechi (University of Insubria)
Giulia Rovelli (University of Insubria)
Francesca Cappellini (University of Brescia)

Many thanks to our sponsors for the generous support of this event.