foto di Brenna Stefano


Professore Associato
031 238 6476

Stefano Brenna obtained his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Sciences (2004) at the University of Insubria, under the supervision of Professor G. A. Ardizzoia. He later held a Postdoctoral position in Professor J. Bluemel's group at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), with an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship. He then returned to University of Insubria, where he currently holds a permanent position as University Researcher in Inorganic Chemistry.

His research interests mainly deal with the synthesis of coordination and organometallic compounds, bearing multidentate ligands (with both hard and soft donor atoms), with possible applications in catalysis and materials chemistry (i.e., luminescent compounds). He is coauthor of more than 40 publications (article in peer-reviewed journals and contributions to Conferences) and is serving as Referee for many Journals in the field (Coord. Chem. Rev.; Inorg. Chem.; Organometallics;  Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.; Cryst. Growth Des.; J. Mol. Catal. A; J. Lumin.; Inorg. Chim. Acta).

He has been supervisor or co-supervisor of many Master and PhD Thesis. He is member of the Italian Chemical Society (Inorganic Chemistry Division) since 2003, and has been nominated Associate Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (AMRSC) since June 2015.