Boldrocchi, G.*, Garibaldi, F., Lantieri, L., Polesello, S., Spanu, D., Monticelli, D., Bettinetti, R. (2022). First ecotoxicology evaluation of legacy and emerging contaminants in the filter feeder basking shark Cetorhinus maximus. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 176, 113466. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113466
Spanu, D., Butti, L., Boldrocchi, G., Bettinetti, R., Recchia, S., Monticelli, D. (2022). Selective organomercury determination by ICP-MS made easy. Analytica Chimica Acta. DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2022.339553
Boldrocchi, G.*, Spanu, D., Mazzoni, M., Moussa Omar, Baneschi, I., Boschi, C., Zinzula, L., Bettinetti, R*., Monticelli, D. (2021). Bioaccumulation and biomagnification in elasmobranchs: a concurrent assessment of trophic transfer of trace elements in 12 species from the Indian Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172, 112853.
Boldrocchi, G.*, Storai, T. (2021). Data mining social media platforms highlights conservation action for the Mediterranean Critically Endangered blue shark Prionace glauca from Italian coastal waters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1-13.
Castelnuovo, N., Iotti, P., Scanziani P., Bellasi A., Boldrocchi, G., Bettinetti R. (2021). Biomonitoring of areas of water bodies using a technological device: a remote operated vehicle (ROV). Nov Res Sci. 8(1). NRS. 000677.2021.
Bellasi, A., Binda, G., Pozzi, A., Boldrocchi, G., & Bettinetti, R. (2021). The extraction of microplastics from sediments: An overview of existing methods and the proposal of a new and green alternative. Chemosphere, 130357.
Boldrocchi, G.*, Monticelli, D., Mazzoni, M., Spanu, D., Bettinetti, R.* (2021). Accumulation of selected trace elements in shads from three lakes: First insights from Italian pre-alpine area. Biological Trace Element Research, 1-6.
Boldrocchi, G., Schmidt, Robinson, D.P. (2021). First documented record of the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) from Djibouti waters. Marine Biodiversity Records, 14(1), 1-3.
Boldrocchi, G. and Bettinetti, R. (2020). Whale shark conservation hindered by lack of habitat protection. Int J Environ Sci Nat Res. 26(1), 556178. DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2020.26.556178
Boldrocchi, G.*, Monticelli, D., Butti, L., Bettinetti, R. (2020). First concurrent assessment of elemental- and organic-contaminant loads in skin biopsies of whale sharks in Djibouti. Science of The Total Environment, 137841.
Boldrocchi, G.*, Omar, Y. M., Azzola, A., Bettinetti, R. (2020). The ecology of the whale shark in Djibouti. Aquatic Ecology, 1-17.
Spanu, D., Butti, L., Boldrocchi, G. Bettinetti, R., Monticelli, M. (2020). High-throughput, multi-batch system for the efficient microwave digestion of biological samples. Analytical Sciences, 19A004.
Boldrocchi, G., Monticelli, D., Omar, Y. M., Bettinetti, R. (2019). Trace elements and POPs in two commercial shark species from Djibouti: Implications for human exposure. Science of The Total Environment, 669, 637-648.
Boldrocchi, G.*, and Bettinetti, R. (2019). Whale shark foraging on baitfish off Djibouti. Marine Biodiversity, 1-4.
Boldrocchi, G., Omar, Y. M., Rowat, D., Bettinetti, R. (2018). First results on zooplankton community composition and contamination by some persistent organic pollutants in the Gulf of Tadjoura (Djibouti). Science of the Total Environment, 627, 812-821.
Boldrocchi G., Kiszka J., Purkis S., Storai T., Zinzula L., Burkholder D. (2017) Distribution, ecology, and status of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Mediterranean Sea. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 27(3), 515-534.
Rezzolla D., Boldrocchi G., Storai T. (2014) Evaluation of a low-cost, non-invasive survey technique to assess the relative abundance, diversity and behaviour of sharks on Sudanese reefs (Southern Red Sea). Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 10.1017/S0025315413001781