History of journalism

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours)

The teachings of the three-year curriculum, constitute the essential conceptual heritage to tackle the issues proposed in the course.

Final Examination: 
Voto Finale

Course description and learning objectives

The course aims of analyzing the History of Journalism milestones – from the XIX century journals to Internet – and es-pecially the history of the Italian Journalism in the last twenty years.
The course is divided into two modules tightly integrated: the first module will analyze the complexity and plurality of the many national journalisms; the second module will focus on the history of the Italian Journalism especially through specific case studies.
Through the study of the press and the broadcast journalism the students will retrace, analyze and comment some fa-mous and particular cases.
The course aims therefore at making the students able to analyze and evaluate the proposed matters and, above all, to evaluate the means and instrument necessary for the construction of the public opinion.
The expected learning outcomes are:
• Knowledge and understanding of the communication and media systems;
• Ability of arguing the Journalistic matters;
• Ability of applying the theoretical knowledge and techniques learned in order to write and develop journalistic texts.

Final assessment
The students’ knowledge will be assessed through an oral interview.
It will be made a question about the main matter of every text. The students are required to argue and critically analyse each topic. The final mark is calculated in 30ies. It will take into account the accuracy and quality of the responses (60%), as well as communication skill and the ability to adequately justify statements, analyzes and opinions shown during the interview (40%).

1)The birth of journalism, public opinion, and press freedom
2) The penny press and the golden age of newspapers
3) Journalism in the age of totalitarianism
4) Journalism and the Cold War
5) Journalism in the age of TV
6) The information in the last twenty years
7) Journalism Network
8) The Italian case: press, television and web

Required texts
Students are expected to have read and studied the following books:

1. G. Gozzini, Storia del giornalismo, Milano, Bruno Mondadori
2. M. Forno, Informazione e potere, Roma-Bari, Laterza
3. A. Agostini, Giornalismi, Bologna, il Mulino
4. A. Papuzzi, Professione giornalista, Roma, Donzelli