Professional ethics and information law
Course description and learning objectives
The course gives the essential tools for the understanding and the analysis of main juridical problems about journalist’s professional deontology and communication law, about constitutional principles and those deduceble from European Convention of Human Rights and from judicial cases (European Court of Human Rights, Constitutonal Court, ordinary civil and criminal judges’ jurisprudence).
Final assessment
Oral test.
Subject of the course will be the analysis of both positive law and juridical, disciplinary, trial cases, concerning paper, TV and web information. Journalistic profession’s deontological priciples will be deeped through Deontological Code and other legislative textes’ study. The method will be essentially based on the laws exegesis and pratical cases’ illustration.
R. Razzante, "Informazione: istruzioni per l'uso", Cedam, 2014.
G. Giliberti, "Introduzione storica ai diritti umani", Giappichelli, 2012