History of Modern Art

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Communication Sciences
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

General knowledge of European geography and of European history of the centuries mentioned above. It is not compulsory, but the knowledge of the history of different European countries literatures will be an important support to understand many of the topics.

Final Examination: 

Final examination: verbal test which included three questions, on general topics on the total chronological period considered (i.g.: Brunelleschi, the Rome of pope Paul III; he origin of Rococo). The result is expressed with a 30-point scale that can be divided into failing (0 to 17) and passing (18 to 30 cum laude) grades. The final mark is based on a general assessment on the answers to the three questions (they all have the same value), revised considering the global knowledge of the student.
The fundamental principles are: the knowledge acquired, the ability in visual reading (with special care of the historical criteria and data and not the emotional ones), including a critical judgment (with references to the contemporary cultural heritage), the communication skill using the proper language, the correct positioning in space and time, both limited and unlimited, of pheonomenon, events and objects, the ability with the proper comparisons on the base of a measured structuralism.

Voto Finale

Students will be able to know the outlines of the history of art in Italy from the beginning of XVTH century to the beginning of XIXTH century, with comparative and supplementary elements of the Mediterranean and European art history, using special care to focus on the iconographic and iconologic data, the patronage strategies and the public perception of art.
Among the learning results expected we point out the primary capability of visual reading, the articulated communication using a specialized lexicon; the required skill is the comparative one, considering the proper geographical, chronological and cultural context. It is required a special focus on the long lasting period considered and the effects still operating.
The acquired knowledge can contribute to the growth of the general skills of synthesis and processing of data and concepts derived from different sources.
The course provides the acquisition of cross skills, as correct use of language, communicative competences and development of comparative capabilities of judgment.

The course of Storia dell’Arte Moderna belongs to the group of humanistic teachings which characterize the course of studies of Scienze della Comunicazione.
The following topics will be delivered during lessons:

The development of XVth century Humanism;
The Rome of pope Giulio II and the beginning of Renaissance;
The Rome of popes Leone X and Paolo III;
The Italian Renaissance centres;
The diffusion of Italian Renaissance style in Europe;
The different Italian Mannerisms;
The diffusion of Italian Mannerism style in Europe;
Rome from pope Giulio III’s time to Innocenzo XI’s pontificate;
The XVIIth century classicism;
The Baroque age;
The Roccoco age;
The XVIIIth century classicism and Neoclassicisms;
The Revolutionary and Napoleonic age.

The following handbook you have to study carefully:

P. De Vecchi – L. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Bompiani/Mondadori 1995 sgg, considering all the chapters related to the chronological period indicated. All different editions of the book are accepted.

Further optional publications will be suggested by the teacher, considering individual interests.
Educational supports available on the e-learning platform: 800 slides presented during lessons in PPT format. They will be available gradually after lessons will take place.

The course will be delivered with frontal lessons, for the total amount of 64 hours. They will be all conducted by the tenured professor of the course, with the support of PPT presentations. At the end of each lesson students can ask professor for clarifications and further explanations of the topics proposed.
Trips in Lombard territory will be planned by the teacher.
The attendance of lessons, though it is not compulsory, is highly reccommended to take advantage of all the interdisciplinary connections (political history, historic geography, history of literature, etc.) and critical interpretations of the phenomenon which will be proposed by the teacher lesson by lesson and which can not be fully developed in the handbooks available.

Consultation hours. It will take place at the professor’s office (Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche e Applicate - DiSTA, first floor, Via Mazzini 5, Varese). You have to require a prior appointment by sending your e-mail to andrea.spiriti@uninsubria.it. The appointment will be fixed within one week.
Before and after lessons it is always possible to have informal consultations or to require an appointment with professor Spiriti.
