Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Communication Sciences
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

No Entry Requirements are provided.

Final Examination: 

Oral exam.
The learning will be verified by an oral exam.
The oral exam consists in a presentation of the themes seen during the course, and its purpose
is the accertation of the candidate’s preparation on the texts in object, and his or her ability of
give a critical interpretation of it.
The objects of the valutation are:
1. the lessical property of the exposition (5 points);
2. the correctness of the conceptual analysis of the texts (10 points);
3. the acquisition of an effective learning methodology (5 points);
4. the critical ability and autonomy of the student (10 points).

Voto Finale

The Course is designed to provide students with an analysis of dominant communication strategies in contemporary society and critical competences required to understand the political, sociological, psychological and ethical phenomena of contemporary society and its languages. The Course will be constructed with a cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary approach, through philosophy and political philosophy alongside the communication strategies studied by sociology, antropology, psychoanalysis and other humanistic subjects.
In particular, the Course will focus each year on a topic that allows a multidisciplinary approach.

The Course will consider three different didactic and formative themes:
1. Individuation and definition of a multidisciplinary concept; preliminar analysis of this concept through a philosophic and historical approach.
2. Deep study of this concept, through some classical works concerning different humanistics subjects.
3. Study of the communicative side connected with the main concept, using a multidisciplinary approach.

1. Erasmo Silvio Storace, I linguaggi politici della civiltà occidentale: retorica, democrazia e populismo, Jouvence Editore, Milano 2016.

2. An elective choose from:
- John Locke, Lettera sulla tolleranza (All'Illustrissimo Signor T.A.R.P.T.O.L.A scritta da P.A.P.O.I.L.A.), Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005 (or other editions);
- Voltaire, Il trattato sulla tolleranza, Feltrinelli, Milano 2015 (or other editions).

3. An elective choose from:
- AA. VV., Il potere sadico. Politica e nichilismo in D.A.F. de Sade, Meltemi, Milano 2017.
- Erasmo Silvio Storace, Dante filosofo, Dante politico. Percorsi sull'immaginario della Divina Commedia, Milano 2016;

4. Only for non attending students:
- AA. VV., Città, utopia e mito. Studi di filosofia e teoria politica, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2017.

N.b.: the students have to bring with them the books during the final exam.

The activities take place in frontal lessons, in which the teacher illustrates the course content asking for the interactive partecipation of the students by interventions, questions and reflexions, in a tight dialectical comparison between teacher and student.

Office hours:
Upon appointment via email (