Communication and European integration
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
A basic understanding of contemporary history.
The exam will consist of an oral exam to determine if the students have acquired and properly understood the course content.
The final mark will reflect the accuracy and quality of the answers (70%) as well as the student’s communicative abilities and capacity to adequately support his or her statements, analyses and opinions given during the exam (30%).
The aim of the course is to introduce and describe from a theoretical-practical perspective and with a multidisciplinary approach, aspects, issues and problems of communication in its connection with training processes. In particular, the course aims to show on the one hand, the various strategies adopted by the European Union to communicate with its citizens and disseminate the knowledge of its institutions functioning, and on the other, the relative actions and reactions of political groups and civil society, through an analysis of the history of the European institutions from the Treaties of Rome to the present day.
Course contents and programme
- Overview of the main theories, definition and models of communication;
- Communication strategies and training implications;
- Problems and critical issues;
- Institutional communication: models and tools;
- Communication of the European Union: objectives, strategies and tools;
- Historical background on the European unification process, in particular on the relationship between European institutions and European citizens;
- Methods and tools characterizing the debate on European unification and analysis of its contribution to the dissemination of knowledge on European integration;
- The role of local authorities in conveying European citizens’ needs.
Students are required to attain in-depth knowledge of the following texts:
1. Emilio R. Papa, Storia dell'Unificazione europea, Bompiani, 2018.
2. Daniele Pasquinucci, Daniela Preda, Luciano Tosi (a cura di), La stampa e l’integrazione europea, casa editrice CEDAM
3. Fabio Zucca, Autonomie locali e federazione sovranazionale. La battaglia del Conseil des Communes et Règion d’Europe per l’unità europea, Il Mulino, 2013.
The course objectives will be achieved through frontal lessons (a total of 48 hours) that include a presentation and discussion of specific topics.
There will be four hours of seminars.
Lecturer will meet students upon previous agreement (write to by Padiglione Morselli via Dunant 3 Varese.