Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Communication Sciences
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)


Final Examination: 

The exam consists of an oral interview tense ascertaining the acquisition and correct understanding of the course content. On the contents of each of the main authors scheduled a question will be formulated with respect to which it will assess the knowledge of the topic, the display capacity and the capacity for critical analysis. The final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of responses, as well as the skill of communication and the ability to motivate adequately statements, analysis and judgments shown during the interview.

Voto Finale

The course, starting from the study of evolution of legal systems, analyze the ways in which those in power have been able to communicate their intentions to the company's legal regulation, including for the legitimacy and justification of authority conferred on them: a survey on the different forms of legal communication, as the "law speaks". The ultimate goal is to provide tools of analysis, evaluation and comparison of the proposed themes.
Among the expected learning outcomes are therefore indicate the ability to apply and interpret the historical and legal knowledge accumulated, in order to gain skills to reach, thanks to the acquired tools (information, theories, interpretations), the critical and analytical skills of legal texts, journalism, opinion.

The course will analyze the way in which political power is able to communicate his intent of legal regulation of companies in key moments of the story: the greek-Roman world; the Roman-Christian world; the Enlightenment revolution; the introduction of codicistiche collected; existing law. The method also provides for the analysis of exemplary processes actually celebrated.
In detail, they will discuss:
1) Rhetoric and legal language
2) The constitutional principles
3) The right to communication, and censorship
4) The history of European law
5) The role of the Corpus Juris in Europe
6) The Enlightenment Revolution
7) The process, sanctions and penalties
8) Power and the death penalty in Greece
9) Power and the death penalty in Rome.

1. E. Cantarella, I supplizi capitali in Grecia e a Roma, Feltrinelli (si accetta qualsiasi edizione).
2. One of the following books:
- L. Maganzani, L'arte racconta il diritto e la storia di Roma, Pacini Giuridica.
- M. Miglietta, Studi e riflessioni intorno al processo a Gesù, Satura (omettere le note a piè di pagina).

Activities will take place through lectures, in which the teacher will explain the content of the course, require the involvement of students through exercises, vision, hearing and review of copyright texts; dialogue and discussion with the class through the analysis and criticism of the proposed themes.
It is provided the use of multimedia audio and video.

Student reception by appointment.
