Computer laboratory and multimedia communication

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Communication Sciences
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours), Exercise (36 hours), Laboratory (36 hours)


Final Examination: 

The students’ knowledge will be assessed through a final written test. In addition, students have to prepare a draft describing a communication project and the corresponding web site (using a CMS like Wordpress). The project can be realized by group of at maximum 3 students. The draft has to be sent via email to the teacher a week before the exam. The final score is given as weighted average between written and project exams.

Voto Finale

The course aims at providing the basic knowledge of the fundamental concepts of computer science and, in particular, multimedia communication. This will be achieved through a theoretical and practical study of the most useful elements needed to operate in the Web. Techniques for digital audio and video management, knowledge of basic computer networks concepts, Web programming all together are all needed skills for students who wish to work in the digital communication field and, above all, the Web communication.

Introduction to basic concepts of computer science and multimedia communication: Multimedia. Processing of text, images, audio and video processing.

In-depth knowledge of software applications for Internet and Web: Introduction to computer networks and the Internet. Evolution of the Internet. The World Wide Web service. Hypertext and Markup languages, HTML and CSS. Evolution from static Web to dynamic: overview of programming language for the Web. Evolution from Web 2.0 to the Semantic Web.

Analysis of the main areas of Web communication: resources on the web and their availability. Introduction to search engine. Online encyclopedias. Digital publishing. Blogs and websites. Social Networking. E-business. Web Marketing.

Management of multimedia communication process: Web Communication. Web Design. Accessibility and usability. Process analysis and development of Web applications. Use of CMS (Content Management System). Analysis of the use of Web services in the implementation and support of multimedia communication processes.

All materials will be uploaded at e-learning web site.

R. Di Bari, L'era della Web Communication, Tangram Ed. Scientifiche Trento, 2010

Dennis P. Curtin, Kim Foley, Kunal Sen e Cathleen Morin, Informatica di Base 6a, McGraw Hill
Luca Mari, Giacomo Buonanno e Donatella Sciuto, Informatica e cultura dell’Informazione 2/ed, McGraw Hill

Frontal lessons: the lecturer explains the contents of the course. The course will also include lectures at laboratory, to support students for exam preparation.
