Theoretical philosophy

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Communication Sciences
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (72 hours)

The teachings of the three-year curriculum, in particular the linguistic, historical, scientific and communication constitute the conceptual heritage essential in order to tackle the issues proposed in the course.

Final Examination: 

It is the only scheduled final oral examination during which you will:

- The ability to adequately understand the reading of a text;

- Adequate knowledge of exam papers;

- The ability to develop their own self-critical reflection.
The exam consists of an oral examination to evaluate the assessment of the acquisition and understanding of the contents of the texts that will be studied in its entirety: the contents of each volume will be raised two questions. There is an assessment of the ability of critical analysis of interdisciplinary and independent judgment on the main topics of the course (two questions). It will also be expected to know of the topics covered in class (at least 1 question). The final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the responses (70%), as well as the skill of communication shown during the interview (10%) and the ability to adequately justify statements, analyzes and opinions (20%).

Voto Finale

The course aims to define and critically analyze the different modes of present conceptual reflection within the tradition of Western thought, with particular reference to the link-science philosophy and tradition of critical rationalism. Particular attention is devoted to the analysis of the texts of classical thought with the aim of seizing the essential lines, the development of various conceptual forms, the explanation of the various categories and also topical reasoning, the analysis of language and the His organization - stylistic, disciplinary and conceptual - on the basis of an in-depth analytical and critical path, aimed, in general, the acquisition of an issue for reflection, and declined inserted within the different traditions of thought that have variously generated through multiple critical contamination. Among the expected learning outcomes are reported are the following:

- Acquisition of a perspective and critical reflection;

- Ability to critically read a text, placing it within its historical context and conceptual

- Ability to recognize the different traditions of thought inside of a text, according to their different theoretical curves;

- Understanding of the open problems;

- Ability to independently apply this knowledge in order to start their own meta-reflection and self-criticism, to be applied to the open problems of contemporary.

The genesis of philosophical reflection in the cultural world of the critical rationalism of the XX century;
- Analysis of the conceptual style of Husserl’s reflection;
- Analysis of Husserl’s phenomenologhy;
- Analysis of Husserl’s critical rationalism;
- Values and limits of critic rationalism of Husserl both on a theoretical level, both on a practical level;
- The breakthrough phenomenology within the tradition of Western rationalism critical;
- The contribution of Husserl’s phenomenology to the understanding of scientific truth;
- The concept of Husserl’s meaning and the overcoming of the traditional metaphysical ontology;

It required the study of the following texts:
- Edmund Husserl, La filosofia come scienza rigorosa, ed. a cura di Filippo Costa, Paravia, Torino 1975 oppure ed. a cura di Giuseppe Semerari, trad. it. di Corrado Senigaglia, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005
- Edmund Husserl, Ricerche filosofiche, a cura di Giovanni Piana, il Saggiatore, Milano 1968, vol. I (repeatedly resigned), vol. I

One of the following texts to choose from:
- Renzo Raggiunti, Introduzione a Feuerbach, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2008
- Vincenzo Costa, Elio Franzini, Paolo Spinicci, La Fenomenologia, Einaudi, Torino 2002
- Barry Smith, David Woodruff Smith (edited by), The Cambridge Companion to Husserl. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995
- Enzo Paci, Diario fenomenologico, il Saggiatore, Milano 1961 (republished: Bompiani, Milano 1973)

The educational objectives of the course will be achieved through the ways of the lectures (for a total of 72 hours) that provide for the individual and collective discussion of the texts of the classics made in direct reference.

It carries on Wednesday, from 16 to 18, at the headquarters of the International Centre Insubrico, located on the second floor of the College Cattaneo, on the campus of Bizzozero. It is advisable to make direct contact with the instructor via e-mail to arrange a specific time, in order to shorten the waiting time.
