Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in COMMUNICATION SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
A foreign language, final examination
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (56 hours)

Since it is a first year course, there are no specific prerequisites other than those required to access the Degree Course.

Final Examination: 

Students’ knowledge of the topic will be assessed through a written test which will last one hour. The test consists of 60 questions for a total of 30 points and will be thus structured:
- 3 listening comprehension exercises (multiple choice (short texts), note filling, multiple choice (long text), 10 points)
- 6 exercises of identification of the phonemes and main phonetic phenomena of the English language (multiple choice questions, labeling exercises, gap filling exercises, 13 points)
- 3 exercises of use of the specialized vocabulary connected to the Internet (multiple choice questions, labeling exercises, gap filling exercises, 7 points)
The written test awards a maximum of 30 points. Pass mark is 18/30. Should the final mark be lower than 18/30, students will have to take the test again in the following exam session.

Voto Finale

The course aims at developing spoken receptive and productive skills in English
at an upper-intermediate level (B2 – Independent user according to the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR) and
at introducing the specialized register used for Internet communication.
The increase and reinforcement of the vocabulary used in the digital context (internet), therefore specific to communication sciences, and the acquisition and strengthening of listening comprehension skills, besides the comprehension and production of sounds, represent some of the basic, hence preparatory, activities to learn a foreign language.
In particular, students are required to develop the following skills:
1. Identify, represent and reproduce the phonemes of the English language and describe its main phonetic phenomena.
2. Understand and summarize a range of oral texts (discussions, presentations, debates, press releases, announcements, etc.).
3. Recognize and use the specialized vocabulary of Internet communication.

The course is divided into three modules:
- Module A: The Sounds of English (24 hours, objectives 1 and 2). In this module students will learn the fundamentals of speech production and perception, with special emphasis on the phonemes (sounds) and main phonetic phenomena of the English language, which will be introduced and practiced using authentic materials. In particular, the module will cover the following topics:
ꞏ introduction to phonetics
ꞏ articulation
ꞏ relationship between letters and sounds
ꞏ international phonetic alphabet (IPA)
ꞏ English consonants and vowels
ꞏ syllables
ꞏ stress
ꞏ pauses and rhythm
ꞏ intonation
ꞏ accents
- Module B: Listening Skills Workshop (20 hours, objectives 1 and 2). In this module, through specific exercises and authentic materials (presentations, debates, podcasts, conversations, lectures, etc.), students will develop a range of different listening skills at an upper-intermediate level (listening for main ideas, listening for detail, listening for opinion, listening for attitude, note taking, synthesizing, paraphrasing).
- Module C: English and the Internet (12 hours, objectives 2 and 3). In this module,
through an analysis of authentic specialized texts and participation in oral (i.e.
role plays, listening
comprehension) and written (i.e. functional exercises of English for special
purposes – ESP) activities, students will be introduced to the use of
English on the Internet. Specifically, the module will cover the specific characteristics of the English language with regard to:
ꞏ the Internet
ꞏ the World Wide Web
ꞏ websites
ꞏ blogs
ꞏ forums
ꞏ emails
ꞏ social media

The course is structured on lectures in which the lecturer will illustrate the contents and encourage students’ active participation through exercises, reading and listening of authentic texts, discussions and mock tests.

Office hours by appointment via email: