Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours), Laboratory (6 hours)

No specific prior knowledge is required, except for basic skills in using a personal computer.

Final Examination: 

The exam will be written, conducted through the e-learning platform, and will last no longer than 60 minutes. It will include multiple-choice questions and exercises. The multiple-choice and open-ended questions focus on theoretical knowledge, while the exercises assess students' practical abilities. The questions, which cover the topics discussed in class, will test the students' ability to apply the knowledge they have acquired.

Giudizio Finale

The course aims to provide the fundamental skills and key concepts related to information technology and information systems, with particular focus on the Nuovo Sistema Informativo Sanitario (NSIS), as well as offering basic knowledge for the independent use of software dedicated to word processing, spreadsheet management, and creating presentations, including collaborative work. The course also aims to equip students with the theoretical and practical skills to communicate and securely manage sensitive data (e.g., health data), exploring the ethical, legal, and regulatory implications of their use. Finally, the course intends to provide basic preparation on the main software for visualizing medical images.

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- understand how an information system works, with particular reference to the Nuovo Sistema Informativo Sanitario (NSIS);
- use word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software independently for general and professional applications, including collaborative use;
- communicate and securely manage sensitive data (e.g., health data) in an appropriate manner;
- understand the ethical, legal, and regulatory implications related to the use of health images and data;
- familiarize with the principal software for visualizing medical images.

The lessons will cover the following topics:
- introduction to fundamental concepts related to information systems, with particular reference to the Nuovo Sistema Informativo Sanitario (NSIS);
- document processing, data processing with spreadsheets, and communication management through presentations;
- data security: fundamental concepts, secure data communication and management, and digital signatures;
- data privacy: fundamental concepts and GDPR;
- medical image analysis: software for visualization.

See Section "contenuti" (contents).


The course consists of 36 hours of lectures.
The lectures focus on explaining the conceptual aspects necessary for an in-depth understanding of the topics and the software used.
All course material useful for exam preparation, including slides and texts from lessons and exercises, will be available to students on the e-learning platform.

The course does not require textbooks for acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to meet the learning objectives.

The instructor is available by appointment, upon request via email at
The instructor responds only to signed emails sent from the domain.
