Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ECONOMIA, DIRITTO E FINANZA D’IMPRESA (EDIFI)
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Various educational activities
First Trimestre
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (20 hours)

Classes are in English; students should ideally have receptive (reading, listening) skills at CEF B1+ level and higher.

Final Examination: 

Candidates may only access the final exam after submitting the "Past Paper" assigned as 'coursework' (formative assessment) by the deadline. Coursework assessment is formative (not factored in the average for the final mark).

1. Coursework component: Only 1 Exam paper (Cambridge Business Higher, B2+)
The candidate completes a B2+ level formative paper, in preparation for the skills needed to tackle the final exam. Paper samples are assigned on the Teams platform under "Attività". No other submission channels are accepted. The chosen paper must be submitted by the deadline.

2. Final Test
The skills resulting from class attendance, autonomous reading, coursework completion and individual work are formally assessed in a final exam, consistent with course contents and activities. Lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes, the exam consists of 2 parts:

Part 1: Reading Comprehension (Marks: 15/30)
Ability to understand advanced excerpts (B2-C1) ESP texts (informative and/or academic) - consistent with the contents and language learnt in the course. Reading comprehension is assessed through: paragraph re-insertion; multiple matching; multiple choice; title matching; maximum 1 (brief) open answer.

Part 2: Use of English (Marks: 15/30)
Automated test with real-time results. Competence in using B2+ level Business English structures, vocabulary and collocations, consistent with course contents.

Both parts of the test may contain elements drawn from the 'Business Vantage Trainer' manual, with multiple choice, insertion, word transformation in context, simple sentence transformations.

Pass threshold: 18/30 for 3 ECTs (CFU).

Voto Finale

Upon completing the Business English course, as a result of classroom learning and individual work, students will have:

• reviewed and mastered key grammar and lexis from previous English courses

• mastered new B2+ level communication skills, including IELTS-related skills (elements of academic English)

• familiarised themeselves with specialist preparation for ESP certifications (BECT, Cambridge Business Vantage, Linguaskill Business).

• learnt to research and interpret essential specific information from original sources (academic and general) in English

Building from all of the above skills, in line with the Global Scale of English (GSE) criteria, students will:

• understand intermediate/ advanced industry-specific texts (expository, case studies, specialized journal articles);
• understand short introductory texts from economics and finance research (Abstracts and Introductions from the 'Journal of Financial Economics');
• interpret and comment on common visual / statistical data in English
• identify logical linking in specialized discourse (contrast, addition, example, explanation, conclusion, etc.) through key discourse markers (linkers);

• understand brief audio / video contributions on economics and marketing - level B1+ / B2+ complexity
• complete notes through active listening techniques and Cambridge-Assessment informed practice


• briefly answer a selection of questions from official Cambridge Assessment - Business Vantage exam papers (see "coursework").

• describe a short scenario / case study with fitting terminology in use for economics specialists
• describe common visual data and statistics

From the "Reading Portfolio": authentic texts from academic journals (Journal of Financial Economics) or popular journals (The Economist), as well as activities from the BEC book, help students master both specialized content and the language itself. Topics are focussed on macro-economics. Most reading activities shall be carried out independently (keys included in the book).

2. From classroom activities. Texts and multimedia contributions on business management topics are analyzed, with a focus on the study of language (vocabulary, syntax, listening, active production):

• Contracts. Pricing. Hypothesising on business results.

• Proposals. Extending the product range.

• Sales Reports. Commenting on sales.

• Forecasting and reporting results.

• Corporate ethics. Fair Trade. Ethical running of businesses.

Use of tenses in reporting data; Using the passive to sound impersonal; Hypothesising with Modals and Conditionals. Forecasting with future tenses; Signposting with discourse markers (linkers).

All classroom activity materials are made available to students in the “Exam” FOLDER on Teams class.

All of the activities foster a solid language foundation conveyed by disciplinary contents. Many of the materials place particular emphasis on employability skills (communication, team work, problem solving, initiative, decision making).

3. from "Business Vantage Trainer": the exercise manual (specialised vocabulary, functional grammar, preparation for Business English lev. B2 certifications) mirrors most of the classroom activities and provides consolidation as well as self-assessment opportunities. The automated closed-answer test (part of the final exam) includes structures and vocabulary as per book contents.

4. from ‘Coursework’ (mandatory and indispensable to access the final exam), to be submitted by an established date:
A short "Exam Paper": complete independently (including the ‘Writing’ part), 1 recent BEC Vantage certification exam indicated (and published) under the “Attività” function in your Teams class. This is to be submitted no later than the chosen date; no other submission channels are accepted. The evaluation of such paper is formative and is not factored in the final grade average.

5. From the PDF Files of all tests performed during the course; from other additional materials in the “Exam” folder; Ppoint presentation of the course with links to suggested resources.

Metodi e Materiali.

-Reading Portfolio:
gli studenti leggono la raccolta di brevi articoli, e si esercitano sul manuale BEC nelle sezioni indicate; il portfolio di letture funge da base per l'apprendimento di lessico e sintassi, per l’acquisizione di contenuti settoriali in lingua da fonti autentiche, per formulare le proprie risposte all'exam paper proposto, e per la discussione di contenuti in aula.

-In aula:
1. Lezione dialogata; presentazione o discussione argomenti centrali, strutture linguistiche, lessico specializzato, false friends settoriali Inglese-Italiano, attività di pronuncia / fonetica, ascolto guidato, somministrazione di test formativi su piattaforme TIC, completamento di sezioni di past papers ufficiali 'Cambridge Business Vantage'. 2. Ove possibile, attività interattive (speaking, case study);

- Coursework: gli studenti consegnano sotto la funzione ‘Attività’ in Teams, entro la data stabilita, il lavoro assegnato (1 Exam Paper a scelta fra quelli caricati) e completato in autonomia. Sebbene valutato informalmente, il Coursework è essenziale per il corretto completamento del corso e costituisce titolo di accesso all’esame finale.

-Test formativi in itinere: Entry test (1 o 2), Mid-course test (+ altri eventuali): i file dei test online eseguiti, con risultati e punteggio, sono da utilizzare come materiale di studio, revisione e miglioramento continuo della competenza linguistica.

La frequenza alle lezioni, le attività svolte in aula, la lettura intensiva, le esercitazioni con il manuale, e il coursework concorrono a formare tutte le abilità linguistiche necessarie alla prova finale.

Le lezioni e attività sono in inglese con docente madrelingua. La frequenza è consigliata (presente foglio firme). La piattaforma Teams funge da repository dei materiali del corso e da canale di comunicazione per chiarimenti / approfondimenti: ogni studente del corso deve risultare presente nella classe virtuale Teams. La pagina "E-learning" del sito Uninsubria sarà invece usata SOLO per comunicazioni amministrative urgenti.

L’atteggiamento di studio deve mirare a costruire basi linguistiche durevoli e reali abilità comunicative in vista dei futuri percorsi accademici e professionali.

Contact the lecturer on your Teams Classroom chat for further questions and info (fast responses via this channel).

Promptly get in touch with the lecturer should you experience any issues or discuss any special terms as to attendance, assignments or exam.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The E-Learning portal will ONLY be used for short initial communications to new members. A LINK to the TEAMS CLASS is present in the first notice on the Uninsubria e-learning portal:

Each student must be present in the Teams class, which functions as course noticeboard, repository, and communication channel (alerts, task assignments, submissions, etc). Students can only access course material and submit coursework once they are in the Teams Classroom. Each student is responsible for reading notifications on the "General" channel in the Teams Classroom (or, in any case, the copy of the notifications which are automatically forwarded on students' personal emails). The Teams Classroom is the course notice board and repository, as well as the communication channel for messages, assignments and submissions. Students are advised to turn on notifications and check frequently.

Language certifications as substitutes for this exam: please read info on PAGE 9 of the "Regolamento Didattico" (course regulations):
Please note that the certification list will be updated due to recent changes in official exams available.
