Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Cognomi H-Z
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 

There is no prerequisite for attending the course, except for those
needed to access the degree program.

Final Examination: 

Students are evaluated according to a written exam. There are two
a) The exam can be taken as two partial exams. Duration of each partial
exam: 60 minutes. When opting for this format, three out of four
questions (true/false choice) and two out of three problem sets must be
addressed in each exam. It is necessary to pass both exams (each with a
score larger than 18). The final mark is computed as the rounded-up
average of the two results obtained in the partial exams. The mark
obtained in the first partial exam can be rejected (more below). If a
student does not pass one of the partial exams or rejects a mark he/she
has to take the exam with format b. Partial exams can be sat only on two
specific dates dedicated to partial exams.
b) Alternatively, the exam can be taken as a single general exam at the
end of the course. Duration of the general exam: 90 minutes. With this
format, it is required to address 6 questions (true/false choice) and three
problem sets. The first general exam takes place at the beginning of June.
PLEASE NOTE: in order to sit an exam it is compulsory to be registered
online. Students who are not registered will not be admitted to the exam.
To avoid being excluded due to technical problems, we strongly
recommend printing the screenshot proving the successful registration. A
student can reject a mark within 5 days from its publication through the
online platform. After 5 days the mark is automatically accepted without
any further possibility to reject it.

Voto Finale

The goal of the course is to introduce the student to the main concepts,
tools, and theories for analyzing the decision making of economic agents
(consumers and producers), and their interaction through markets, both
competitive and non-competitive. At the end of the course, the student
will be able to understand the key features of economic decision making
and the main problems concerning the functioning of markets. Moreover, by applying the concept of economic efficiency, the student will be able to carry out a normative analysis of market functioning and the effects of public intervention.

The course addresses the following topics:
Basic concepts
Consumer choice.
Intertemporal decision making.
Decision making under uncertainty.
Strategic interaction.
Behavioral economics.
Profit maximisation.
The analysis of competitive markets: equilibrium, efficiency, intervention.
The analysis of non-competitive markets: monopoly.
Asymmetric information.

TA sessions: 5 + 5 hours.

See E-learning.

The course consists of lectures (68 hours) and TA sessions (10 hours); in
the TA sessions problems related to the topics addressed during the
lectures are discussed and solved.

• Textbook: B.D. Bernheim e M.D. Whinston, Microeconomia, quarta
edizione, customised edition Bocconi University, MacGraw-Hill, 2023.
ISBN: 8838656142
• Workbook (NOT COMPULSORY): M. Bonacina e P. De Micco,
Microeconomia – Esercizi, Egea, Milano, quinta edizione.
• Slides and exercises provided by the instructors.
• The Department offers a Tutoring Service. More detailed information is available at the following link:

Parent course