- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The teaching does not require any particular prerequisites in terms of content, but does presuppose a general education and interest and intellectual curiosity in the topics presented.
The integrated course only provides for a final assessment through an oral interview involving both disciplines. Students will be asked questions about the texts and materials on the syllabus and the thematic aspects covered in them.
The assessment of the examination will take place in thirtieths and the following specific assessment criteria will be taken into account:
- Thorough and detailed knowledge of the theoretical content presented
- Ability to present and synthesise the treated constructs with appropriate language
- Argumentative and critical capacity in the re-elaboration and personal reflection of what has been learnt, also through the discussion of paradigmatic cases
The student's attainment of an organic and in-depth vision of the topics addressed in the lessons, together with a good mastery of expression and specific language will be assessed with marks of excellence.
A mnemonic knowledge of the subject as well as correct but not always appropriate language will lead to fair marks. Minimal knowledge of the topics covered in the course and/or language that is at times approximate will lead to marks that do not exceed sufficiency. Gaps in knowledge of the topics discussed in the course and proposed by the bibliography included in the examination programme together with approximate exposition will lead to negative marks.
With regard to the history of religions, the course aims to introduce the critical understanding of the religious phenomenon; the critical appreciation of knowledge related to the religious phenomenon in relation to the problems triggered by the contemporary postmodern condition and globalisation, which affect educational, work and social contexts.
At the end of the History of Religions course, the student will be able to:
- understand and correctly use the language and the main tools of historical-religious research;
- know the main themes and problems proposed by the history of religions and the current state of historical-religious research in the post-modern and contemporary era;
- to know the contents presented in the course in relation to the main sciences of education Introduction: religion and education
Religion and contemporary society
Religion on and in the Net
History of religions (definition, object of study, method, outline of the history of the discipline)
- Definition of religion and related notions (cult, sacred, myth, monotheism, polytheism)
- Technological religion and its sacredness
- Typology of religions (ethnic, divided into ethnological and ethnic-national, and foundational)
- Monotheisms: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
- Monism/Pantheism: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism
- Religion and educational sciences (sociology, psychology, etc.)
- Introduction: religion and education
Religion and contemporary society
Religion on the Web and in the Web
History of religions (definition, object of study, method, hints of history of the discipline)
- Definition of religion and related notions (worship, sacred, myth, monotheism, polytheism)
- The technological sacred and religion
- Typology of religions (ethnic, distinguished in ethnological and ethnic-national, and founded)
- Monotheisms Judaism, Christianity, Islamism
- Monism/Pantheism Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism
- Religion and education sciences
- An aside on: religions and bioethics issues. Religions and transplantation.
The course includes the use of lectures and dialogues) carried out with the help of tools prepared by the teacher (Power Point and audiovisual materials appropriately selected) to stimulate discussion and involvement by students on the topics covered.
Dr. Silvia Siano receives after the lessons or in other times, always with previous agreement by e-mail (silvia.siano@uninsubria.it).