Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

Basic knowledge of Biology, Chemistry, Histology, Anatomy already acquired is required to face the entrance test and during the training course of the secondary schools

Final Examination: 

The oral exam carried out in presence provides
- the observation of an image with the comment of the microscopic field up to the definition of the fabric or of the ultrastructural detail.
- Questions about the program carried out
Single final mark in thirtieths.

The exam consists of an oral test which includes questions relating to the individual disciplines (cytology, histology and embryology) included in the Histology course program, in particular at least one question will concern the Histology program of the oral cavity
The exam aims to assess:
- the level of depth of knowledge, the accuracy and completeness of the information acquired;
- communication skills and propriety in the use of scientific terminology
- the ability to comment exhaustively, as taught in class, on some images of microscopic preparations to demonstrate recognition of cyto-histological structures.
From that moment on, the skills acquired must be the cultural baggage of the student, since they will always be useful for understanding the problems presented in subsequent courses.
THE final mark is unique, in a range that will vary from eighteen to thirty thirtieths with honors, obtained by demonstrating the degree of study of the topics.
For the exam, attire appropriate to the formal institutional moment is required

Voto Finale

In order to prepare the student to learn the method for dealing with the patient with oral-dental problems, the integrated course of histology, basic subject, provides for the detailed study of three disciplines that are provided by the same teacher: cytology, histology and human embryology .
Cytology is the biological discipline that studies the structure and functions of cells
Histology delves into the microscopic structure of tissues and organs
Embryology studies embryonic development, that is, the very early stages of life, which begin with the zygote.

During the course many topics will be illustrated concerning:
- the morphology and functions of human cells in its various compartments and organelles;
- the microscopic structure and morpho-functional relationships of the different tissues of the human organism. Competent and differentiated cellular structures and extracellular compartments with particular reference to the tissues of the tooth and its restraint systems;
- the gamete formation processes and the first stages of embryonic development, substantially the first eight weeks, focusing in particular on the organogenesis of dental tissues;
- many images of optical microscopy, transmission and scanning electronics will be commented.

The student will have to understand and learn the concepts required by the disciplines in order to pass the exam and to begin to prepare the fundamental knowledge bases to face the study of the subjects that will follow in the course of the Degree Course.

At the end of the course, the student must be able to:

- describe the morphological and functional organization characteristics of cell structures in their various compartments and organelles and of the main human tissues with particular reference to the tissues of the tooth and its restraint systems;
- explain the basic concepts of gametogenesis and the characteristics of human reproduction from the earliest stages of embryonic development;
- distinguish and describe the characteristics of the structure of the dental tissues and their embryological formation;
- comment on images of optical microscopy, transmission and scanning electronics.
- discuss the topics addressed using the appropriate scientific language

Plasmalemma and membrane systems: REL, RER, Golgi, nuclear membranes. The glycocalyx. The ribosome and protein synthesis. Endo- and exocytosis. Cell junctions.
The cytoskeleton. Contractile proteins, cilia, flagella, microvilli.
Organelles: Mitochondria, lysosomes, peroxisomes. Including cell phones.
The nucleus and nucleic acids. The cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis.

The epithelial lining tissues. Mode of secretion and glandular epithelia.
Striated, cardiac and smooth muscle tissue.
The connective tissue and the extracellular matrix.
The dental tissues.
Nervous tissue and glia.
The tissues of the structures that characterize the oral cavity

Gametogenesis. Fertilization.
Implantation and development of the zygote. Gastrulation and formation of the three germ layers.
Head and neck development. Pharyngeal arches. Odontogenesis.
Elements of organogenesis of the main organs and systems

General concepts on origins, aims and instruments of Histology.
The cell membrane and the inner membranes: SER, RER, Golgi, nuclear membranes. The glycocalyx. The ribosome and protein synthesis. Endo- and exocytosis. Cell junctions.
The cytoskeleton. Contractile proteins, cilia and flagella.
Cell organules: mitochondria, lysosomes, perossisomes. Cell inclusions.
The nucleus and the nuclear content. The cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis.
The tissues: the epithelia. The secretion and the glands.
The muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, smooth.
The connective tissues and the extracellular matrix. The tissues of the teeth and other organs of the oral cavity.
The nervous tissue and the glia.
The Gametogenesis. The fecondation.
Implant and development of the zygote. The formation of the three-layers embryo.
Development of the head and neck . Odontogenesis.
Concepts of organogenesis

The course requires the compulsory presence of at least 75% of the total hours.
The material is made available to the student for free consultation and it is absolutely forbidden to disseminate it to third parties who are not authorized to access it and to download it on their own device.

The course is based on frontal lessons using ppt presentations set up with images, drawings, tables, schemes which are commented on in the classroom.
To assist the student, the course slides are provided in pdf format available on the e-learning platform for single student use only.
Students are invited to intervene during the lesson by actively participating in the discussion.
Bibliographic references are indicated for further information.

The teacher is available for meetings and clarifications by arranging an appointment via email: marcella.reguzzoni@uninsubria.it
The meetings take place in Varese at the Human Morphology Laboratory, Via Monte Genero 71, Biomedical Pole ex agricultural colony. tel 0332 217456
Announce yourself at the concierge and / or press button 1 on the intercom
