There are no prerequisites
Verification of learning takes place through a written quiz test based on
30 questions relating to the parts of the program.
Multiple choice questions will be presented to the candidate. The
estimated time for the test is 30 minutes. The correct answer will get 1
point. The vote will be expressed out of thirty and the test is considered
Metodi didattici Salvo diverse indicazioni conseguenti all'evoluzione sanitaria, le lezioni si
svolgeranno in aula. Saranno lezioni frontali e verranno utilizzati supporti
audiovisivi come slides e filmati.
Modalità di verifica
La verifica dell'apprendimento avviene mediante prova scritta a quiz
basata su 30 domande relative alle parti del programma.
Saranno presentate al candidato domande a risposta multipla. Il tempo
previsto per la prova è di 30 minuti. La risposta corretta otterrà 1 punto.
La votazione sarà espressa in trentesimi e la prova si considera superata
con una votazione di 18/30
Altre informazioni Ricevimento studenti previo appuntamento, da concordare via email:(
Obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Codice Descrizione
passed with a score of 18/30.
The aim of the course is to offer students a knowledge of General
Psychology through the study of the history of Psychology, the basic
physiology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System and the study of
behavior and cognitive functions. The course provides the basis for the
study and deepening of subsequent psychology teachings.
At the end of the course the student acquires the awareness of the
historical development and the meaning of some of the most relevant
concepts of psychology
The program will focus on the following topics:
History of psychology. Fields, aims and methods of psychology
The personality between nature and culture.
The physiology of the nervous system
Cognitive functions
- Caution
- Consciousness and vigilance
- Perception
- Memory
- Learning
- Thought and concepts
- Language and communication
- Intelligence
- Motivation
- Emotions
- The stress
Unless otherwise indicated due to health developments, lessons will take
place in the classroom. There will be lectures and audiovisual supports
such as slides and films will be used.
Student reception by appointment, to be agreed via e-mail,