Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Professional education
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Apprenticeship (350 hours)
Final Examination: 

The evaluation of the internship is expressed with a single grade, at the end of the year, expressed out of thirty. The final grade is the weighted average of the following intermediate evaluation actions:

Evaluation of the activity in the situation
Turning point at the end of the field experience:
• Evaluation of the internship structure: expressed out of thirty by the internship assistant, according to the evaluation sheet reported in the booklet, the vote is worth 20%. The non-sufficiency of this evaluation implies the need to repeat the process.
• Evaluation by the tutor: the student is evaluated through an interview on the learning related to his role in the internship context and on the main contents of the professional identity impacted during the experience, the vote is expressed in thirtieths according to a prepared evaluation form.
The student is also assessed on his ability to re-elaborate the experience through a written essay, according to an outline defined in the internship book. The vote is expressed in thirtieths.
The average of the tutor's two grades constitutes the grade of the internship exam and weighs 30%.

Evaluation of service learning activities
The supervisor evaluates, out of thirtieths and according to a prepared evaluation sheet, the design development process, regardless of the outcome of the implementation. The vote is unique for all members of the service learning group. The vote weighs 20%

Final evaluation of the year
At the end of the year there is a final written exam, the score of which expressed out of thirty weighs 20% on the skills acquired during the year. The remaining 10% comes from laboratory evaluations.

Giudizio Finale

The internship is a professionalising practical-theoretical activity aimed at observation, analysis, evaluation and organization of educational projects. These activities, which have transversal characteristics with respect to the skills acquired in the theoretical courses, constitute a fundamental moment of the training path.
The theory guides the practice, through the development of criteria for reading reality, the practice returns verification feedback that allows us to evaluate the stability of the theoretical framework and influence the subsequent development process.
The objective of the first year of internship experience is the basic learning of the skills of the Professional Educator, focusing in particular on observation and observational methods, through theoretical approaches and the practice of the internship, in order to gain an initial knowledge of the professional role and of an initial construction of one's professional ego.

The elderly area offers training experiences regarding the care and assistance of the elderly person and their families; the possibilities of treatment in the different services; experiences of specific activities with users, both group and individual, such as interviews, basic skills and resocialization activities, activities at home and in the user's area of residence. The student learns the basics of the terms of observation, of taking care of the users, of the intentionality of the educational action, of the educational relationship, the right distance, the work tools within the services (the project, educational folders, evaluation and observation scales), by working alongside your internship assistant and re-elaborating the experience itself with the reference tutors for the area.


In the first year, the internship activities will take place in environments that host elderly people.
- Elderly area: knowledge of different structures and comparison between the different types of services, target users, changes and developments, needs and main problems/pathologies, multiple interventions/team interventions
- The role of the EP in RSA: arriving at an organic and shared definition of the professional figure, starting from concrete experiences
- Knowledge and first experimentation with the use of professional tools for educational work
- Observation: learning and experimenting with observation aimed at understanding the users and the contexts in which they are inserted
- Knowledge and first experimentation of: "Planning in RSA", "The professional tools of educational work: Objectives and tools and methods of team work and educational relationship", "a first experience of professional writing: the internship report"
- PE and accompanying death: attitudes and relational strategies
- The family and taking care of your loved one

Students must complete a total of 300 hours of internship divided into two moments:
100 hours of Service Learning
200 hours of internship


The internship is a complex device composed of multiple activities oriented towards the progressive appropriation of professional identity in a circular process of learning from experience. The mosaic of activities it is made up of is made up of:
• Activities in situation: 100% compulsory attendance in an affiliated service, with the support of an internship assistant employed by the host organisation.
• Tutoring activities: reflective practice workshops in small groups, attendance of which is mandatory, led by the university tutor aimed at re-elaborating on the practice and analyzing the work carried out in the activity in the situation
• Mini-seminars: presentation activities of local projects relating to the internship areas, mandatory attendance
• Monitoring of the progress of the activity in the situation: contacts between tutor and assistant in order to better define the individual path of each individual student
• Service learning activity: mandatory, students in small groups experiment with the planning and implementation of activities/actions in favor of local services, with the supervision of the process by tutors
• Webinars
• Individual interview: each student has individual interviews with the tutor of the relevant internship area aimed at understanding and defining the individual training project. In addition to the first compulsory interview, there will be interviews as needed, requested either by the student or by the tutor.

Per appuntamenti o per richieste di informazioni si può contattare il coordinatore via e-mail all'indirizzo:
