Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Varese
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (60 hours)

In order to facilitate the student's understanding of the topics dealt with,
the knowledge of public law and the political-military history of Rome can
be useful

Final Examination: 

The examination in the end-of-course appeals is a mandatory oral exam,
with open questions.
The students could participate to an optional written exam. The students
that will pass the optional examination, in the end-of-course appeals will
be study the remaining part of the program.
For the preparation of the 'general part' of the Course the suggested
textbook is:
P. Lepore, Fontes. Testi giurisprudenziali ad uso del Corso di Istituzioni di
diritto romano, Giuffrè Lefebvre editore, Milano 2021
In also required the study of one of the following institutional manuals:
- P. Voci, Istituzioni di diritto romano, Milano, Giuffrè editore,
- M. Talamanca, Elementi di diritto privato romano, Milano, Giuffrè editore
For the preparation of the 'special part' of the Course the suggested
textbook is:
P. Lepore, Saggi sulla promessa unilaterale in diritto romano, Giuffrè
editore, Milano 2019 (capp. 1, 3, 5, 6)

Voto Finale

The course aims at the institutional knowledge of Roman private law.
More in detail, the following objectives are pursued:
- awareness of the historicity of the law, such as intellectual and social
- acquisition and mastery of the vocabulary of institutions on the basis of
Roman private law;
- ability to exhibit with technical language and logical and systematic
discipline of legal institutions of the Roman private law

The course program will focus on the following subjects:
Private process, people and family, things, rights in rem, possession,
bonds, donations, inheritances, inter vivos and mortis causa

1. The legal entity and legal capacity
- Legal capacity requirements
(a) the existence of the person
(b) status libertatis
(c) status civitatis
(d) status familiae
2. Buying and losing rights
3. The defense of rights
- legis actiones (the different types of legis actio)
- Agere per formulas
- Cognitio extra ordinem
3. The right of family
- Familia proprio iure and familia communi iure
- The different forms of capitis deminutio
- Pater familias
- Iustae nuptiae
- Divortium
- Dos
- Tutelae
- Curae
4. The Right of the Res
- The different Res classifications
- Different forms of ownership
- Servitutes
- Ususfructus
5. The law of obligationes
- Obligationes re, verbis, litteris, consensu
- Pacta and conventiones
- Delicta (furtum, rapina, damnum iniuria datum, iniuria)
6. General reasons and methods of purchase
- Donatio
- The universal succession
a. General principles
(b) Successio ex testamento
(c) Successio ab intestato (legitima)
(d) Legatum
(e) Fideicommissum


The didactic activity will be done through frontal lessons (for a
total number of 60 hours). During the course sources and other
documents will be put on the platform e-learning, in format power-point

Office hours
Prof. Paolo Lepore will meet students on the basis of weekly calendar.
Changes in office hours will be shown in the teacher's homepage