- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
There are no prerequisites.
The assessment will be through an oral exam, with the final grade in thirtieth (30/30).
The assessment will take into account the knowledge of the rules, the ability to synthesize and systematically understand the subject and the suitability of the language.
The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the knowledge of the Italian private law and in particular to its fundamental categories and rules. To this end, the course aims to enable students to learn a system of concepts and related terminology, also acquiring an understanding of the ratio and function of the rules. At the end of the course, students are called upon to demonstrate that they have: a) knowledge and mastery of the rules and principles of private law, allowing them to continue their studies with an adequate level of autonomy; b) ability to use legal language appropriately; c) ability to synthesize and link rules and civil code articles in relation to their specific effectiveness in application; d) ability to solve simple questions relating to the subject of private law.
The course of Private Law has as its object the fundamental notions and concepts of the Italian private law. The following topics will be covered: legal system and interpretation of the law; natural persons and legal entities; property, ownership and real rights; torts and civil liability; obligations and contracts; family; successions; protection of rights.
The course takes place over 65 hours in the first semester. During the lesson, the professor will show a power point presentation that will be uploaded to the e-learning platform of the course.
The classes include theoretical lessons with practical examples, aimed at allowing students to achieve awareness of the meaning of legal rules, their legal effects and the reasoning that governs them.
In preparation of the exam, I suggest the study of A. Torrente - P. Schlesinger, Manuale di diritto privato, Milan, Giuffrè, latest edition available, except these sections: Le obbligazioni nascenti da atti unilaterali (Capitoli LI, LII, LIII) and L'impresa (Capitoli LVI, LVII, LVIII, LIX, LX, LXI, LXII, LXIII, LXIV) or P. Perlingieri, Manuale di diritto civile, last edition.
For the adoption of other manuals, please contact the professor.
It is essential to consult an updated edition of the Civil Code and complementary laws (for example, the edition edited by G. DE NOVA, Zanichelli, Bologna or G. Perlingieri e M. Angelone (a cura di) Codice civile con Costituzione, Trattati UE e FUE, Leggi complementari e Codici di settore, Napoli).
Other supplementary materials may be indicated during the lessons. On the e-learning platform the professor will upload the materials related to the course (power point presentations, case law, scholarly articles).