Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Dental Hygiene
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 

No specific scientific or biological knowledge is required beyond that provided by the high school, however the teachings of the first semester and those in parallel of the integrated course will provide the student with the skills to deal with the topics of the course. There are no propaedeutic constraints.

Final Examination: 

For each discipline, the student must obtain a minimum score of 18/30
The student will have to take an oral test that will focus on all the
The questions of the oral examination will be related to the program of the teachings of C.I. to define the
knowledge and understanding (25%), the ability to apply knowledge and understanding
(25%), independent judgment (15%), communication skills (15%) and learning ability
(20%) in relation to the theoretical and practical bases to provide the student with cognitive tools
necessary to understand the means and methods of intervention of the different clinical pictures of the patients
adults or children; relational skills adapted to the areas of intervention and in the field
of the working environment; improvement in the state of health of the oral cavity.
Unique final vote for the C.I.

Voto Finale

The main objective of the Integrated Course is to provide adequate skills in order to plan the therapeutic process of professional oral hygiene, in its complexity. These skills are defined by the fact that the student learns the terminology, to know the techniques for the detection of oral and extra-oral objectivity and to use the methods and tools for the detection of such objectivity in relation to dental-gingival pathologies. Once the ability of diagnostic-clinical framework has been acquired, the student develops the ability to identify the major risk factors for oral health in order to structure a personalized treatment plan. In this phase of his training he acquires knowledge of the diagnostic and/or therapeutic process of his own competence, so as to select the instrumental procedure and the suitable techniques for each patient, according to the best possible scientific evidence. Consequently, the student acquires diagnostic-clinical framework skills based on the anamnestic evaluation, the individual risk that takes into account the specific differences, the subjective abilities, gender and age. Already from the first year of the course, it is considered important to give a specific orientation concerning the legal framework of the profession, relations with public and private bodies, the elaboration of organizational protocols of operations in relation to the various objectives to be achieved, the job analysis and global management of the profession.
The educational objectives of the course will be achieved through lectures and through practical application lessons.
Given the characteristics of the course, in which elements of theory and applied practice intertwine, attendance at the lessons is strongly recommended.

See content of individual disciplines

See teaching methods of each individual discipline.
