Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (24 hours)

Basic knowledge of Physics and Statistics

Written test

Voto Finale

Providing the knowledge to autonomously deal with the study of sports
gestures or motor activities, by instructing the student on the
physiological mechanisms involved, on the instrumentation for the
detection of the physical quantities of interest, on the treatment and
statistical processing of the collected data.

Theory of measures and signals; elements of Statistics, measurement and analysis of EMG, ECG, nerve activity, and blood pressure signals

Measurements: Analog and Digital Measurement, Measurement Errors,
Digitization and Quantization Error, Accuracy and Precision, Measurement
Units, Dimensional Calculation
Signals: Physical Signal, Analog Signal and Noise; Energy and Power of a
Signal; Fourier series of a periodic signal; Analog Filters; Digital Signals;
Aliasing; Fourier Transform, Spectrum and Cross-Spectrum
Descriptive Statistics: Population and Statistical Sample; Statistics
Variables; Data Storage, Databases and Worksheets; Descriptive
statistics of qualitative variables; Descriptive statistics of quantitative
variables; Central Indices; Dispersion indices; Joint description of several
variables; Multi-entry tables; Linear Correlation; Statistics of a sample
and statistics of a time series;
Inferential Statistics: Probability; Probability Density and Probability
Distribution Function; Normal (or Gaussian) Probability Density; How to
decide if an observed value comes from a given population? Estimator of
the mean of a population; standard deviation vs. standard error;
Difference between means of two samples
Biopotentials: Physical Principles; Action potential of the neuron;
Microneurography; Electrodermal activity;
Electromyography: Generation of the EMG signal; electrodes; Conduction
speed; EMG signal analysis; Mechanomiography
Electrocardiogram: Heart Muscle; Cardiac mechanics; Cardiac action
potential; ECG; Electrodes and Leads; Frequency content, filtering,
sampling rate; Heart rate variability (Heart Rate Variability); HRV: Indices
in the Time Domain, in the Frequency
Domain and Complexity-Domain; HRV software.
Blood Pressure: Definition of Pressure; Pressure in a liquid; Hydrostatic
pressure; Hydraulic Resistance and Hydrodynamic Pressure; Pressure in a
Heart Chamber; Invasive measurement of blood pressure; Extravascular sensor; Intravascular sensor; Pressure waveform;
Intermittent non-invasive measurement from cuff; Sphygmomanometer
by Riva-Rocci and Korotkov; Oscillometric method; Hydrostatic Pressure as measurement Error; PPG and Blood Pressure

Frontal lesson and homework with correction by the teacher

Recommended texts: lecture notes provided by the teacher