Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (36 hours), Exercise (24 hours)

A base of classical physics and of geomorphology especially as far as wavefields is suggested. No mandatory propaedeutics are required.

Final Examination: 

The exam will focus on the course topics and is finalized to evaluate the degree of completion of the expected course outcomes as far as both the theoretical background and the application of knowledge to real case studies.The exam is an oral examination in which the student should demonstrate the ability in techniques integration also defining the most appropriated strategies for the data acquisition and processing in the different situations

Voto Finale

This course of Applied Geomorphology has the main objective to give an overview about some geomorphological and geophysical methods for the analyses of natural and environmental risks and for the landscape evolution. Both theoretical and applied concepts of the different methodologies will be given. Such knowledge is essential to make decisions about the best method(s) for each situation and for the evaluation and the critical analysis of the achievable results.
At the end of the class the student will be able to:
1) Critically evaluate the applicability of the described methods;
2) define the basic procedures for the analysis, interpretation and data inversion;
3) get the basis for integrated geophysical data interpretation; correlate the geophysical data with direct information obtained by using geomorphological surveys, drillings or other measures.
The student will implement his soft skills in terms of critical analysis of data accuracy and reliability, independent judgment, and ability to focus and analyze complex problems by slicing them into simpler parts. Moreover, the student will improve his scientific language in the field of applied geomorphology and geophysics.

The course will approach through different aspects the geomorphological survey and mapping starting from the geomorphological photointerpretation of images (2 hours) and morphometry (2 hours) to techniques of definition of the landforms activity (4 hours). Moreover the description and mapping of the techical caractheristics of deposits and rock outcrops 4 hours).
The course, after a general introduction about the applied geophysics and the fundamental concepts will focus on some geophysical methodologies currently adopted for geological and geomorphological studies, in particular in mountain environments. In detail, the course will describe the resistivity methods (ERT and SEV 4 hours),low frequency electro-magnetic methods both in time (TDEM) and frequency (FDEM) domain (6 hours); the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 6 hours) and refraction seismics, with some basic concepts about reflection (6 hours).

The course is composed by frontal lessons for a total of 36 hours.
During the course case studies and examples of application will be shown opening a discussion to the whole classroom.
For what concerns the geomorphological techniques both slides and map examples will be shown.
For what concerns the geophysical part at the beginning of each lecture, a summary of the previous lesson will be given as well as additional explanations on the topic treated previously, on the students’ request.
Field work (24 h) will be the application of the main geomorphological and geophysical methods achieved in the classes and i twill be in a mountain site
. The field work will be in Upper Valtellina between 14 and 17 September before the course.

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click on the activity card to see more information, such as the teacher and descriptive texts.