Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in Biotechnology for the Bio-based and Health Industry
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (32 hours), Laboratory (24 hours)

The student who attends this course will be asked to apply the knowledge acquired in the core cur-ric-ulum of the First Cycle Degree: Biochemistry; Molecular Biology, (and in particular recombinant DNA techniques such as amplification and cloning, but also gene expression regulation mecha-nisms); and Microbiology.
In order for the student to be able to carry out the experimental work during the planned laborato-ry activities, the knowledge and practical skills acquired during the course of Biochemical Methodol-ogies are required.

Final Examination: 

Verification of learning will take place through a written test aimed at assessing the learning achievements and the understanding of the problems discussed during classes as well as the ac-quired knowledge. The student will be given 4 open questions (each evaluated up to 8 points).
The laboratory activity will be evaluated by an oral exposition of the obtained results. Group of stu-dents who carried out the same set of experiments will be asked to prepare a PowerPoint presen-tation reporting about procedures and the experimental outcomes, which they will then discuss with the lecturer and their colleagues
The outcome of the exam will be out of thirty: the exam is considered passed with a mark of at least 18/30. The final mark will be the arithmetic average of the outcome of the two tests (the written exam and the oral exposition of the practical activities), each weighed for the relative ECTS.
The criteria according to which the acquired knowledge and skills will be assessed are:
1. the degree of depth of the subject matter of the question;
2. the critical ability to rework and link the knowledge acquired regarding the problems related to the expression of recombinant proteins;
3. the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to set up an expression strategy in one or more suita-ble heterologous systems;
4. the ability to propose solutions to specific problems by using the tools and strategies discussed during teaching;
5. clarity of the exposed concepts and the use of appropriate scientific terminology.

Voto Finale

Educational objectives
Heterologous expression involves the introduction of gene encoding for a protein of interest nor-mally produced by an organism into the cell of another one, thus allowing for the host cells to ex-press the "foreign" protein. Genes are often required to be expressed in a selected host species to ensure an efficient production of high levels of pure recombinant biopharmaceutical proteins, ther-apeutic proteins and technical enzymes under controlled conditions. The selection of the best het-erologous system is extremely important to optimize the recombinant protein’s production yield. For this reason, this course aims to provide an overview of the different currently used expression systems as well as an in-depth knowledge of the methods to optimize their use.
The course is among those proposed for the Bio-based Industry curriculum and provide students with a solid preparation in the identification of suitable heterologous systems, in the design of construct, in the regulation of expression levels and in the optimization of production yields of recombinant proteins of interest, which will then be used in biotechnological applications in the biomedical (as therapeutic agents) and industrial (as components of bioconversion and biocatalysis production processes) field, in line with the educational objectives proposed by the CdS. Students will be en-couraged to evaluate the advantages and limitations related to the use of the different heterologous expression systems. Case studies will be also discussed.
The course includes laboratory activities during which the theoretical contents will be applied experimentally. Students are expected to learn what kind of problems can arise during the expression of heterologous proteins in the discussed systems and the strategies to adopt for avoiding them and possibly optimizing the yield of the recombinant product.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
• develop strategies for the production of recombinant proteins based on their properties, critically choosing the most appropriate heterologous expression system;
• apply the theoretical notions to the resolution of problems connected with the production of recombinant proteins, in order to maximize production yields;
• evaluate, extract and synthesize the information acquired, when relevant for a specific project or case study;
• communicate and discuss effectively the notions learned both orally and in writing, using an appropriate scientific language.
Students will acquire decision-making skills in a recombinant protein expression project, from the design to the production phase, being able to face and solve the various critical issues related to the process.

6 ECTS divided into 32 hours of lectures (4 ECTS), 24 hours of practical laboratory activities (2 ECTS)
The topics covered during the course are the following:
- Introduction to the production of recombinant proteins
- Cloning techniques and expression vectors
- Expression in E. coli
- Expression in alternative prokaryotic systems (gram negative and gram positive bacteria)
- Actinomycetes as a valuable expression system (seminar by Dr. Francesca Berini)
- Attractive expression systems: extremophiles
- Expression in eukaryotic systems: yeasts (methylotrophic and non-methylotrophic)
- Expression in eukaryotic systems: LEXSY - Leishmania Expression System
- Expression in in eukaryotic hosts: insect cells – the baculovirus system
- Expression in in eukaryotic hosts: mammalian cell lines
- "Cell free" systems for the expression of recombinant proteins
- Hints to further systems of expression and final considerations
- Application of directed evolution techniques - Error prone PCR
- Application of directed evolution techniques - screening of enzymatic variants
- Expression trials for production yields optimization - effect of the composition of the growth medi-um
- Expression tests for the optimization of the production yields of recombinant proteins – using dif-ferent expression strain to improve the protein solubility
- Critical discussion of the results

6 ECTS divided into 32 hours of lectures (4 ECTS), 24 hours of practical laboratory activities (2 ECTS)
The topics covered during the course are the following:
- Introduction to the production of recombinant proteins
- Cloning techniques and expression vectors
- Expression in E. coli
- Expression in alternative prokaryotic systems (gram negative and gram positive bacteria)
- Actinomycetes as a valuable expression system (seminar by Dr. Francesca Berini)
- Attractive expression systems: extremophiles
- Expression in eukaryotic systems: yeasts (methylotrophic and non-methylotrophic)
- Expression in eukaryotic systems: LEXSY - Leishmania Expression System
- Expression in in eukaryotic hosts: insect cells – the baculovirus system
- Expression in in eukaryotic hosts: mammalian cell lines
- "Cell free" systems for the expression of recombinant proteins
- Hints to further systems of expression and final considerations
- Application of directed evolution techniques - Error prone PCR
- Application of directed evolution techniques - screening of enzymatic variants
- Expression trials for production yields optimization - effect of the composition of the growth medi-um
- Expression tests for the optimization of the production yields of recombinant proteins – using dif-ferent expression strain to improve the protein solubility
- Critical discussion of the results


The course consists of 32 hours of lectures and 24 hours of practical activities in the lab. Each lesson will be carried out by treating a specific topic (from cloning techniques, to individual heterologous expression systems) focusing on specific problems related to the production of recombinant pro-teins and the strategies to possibly avoid or solve them. PowerPoint presentations with the slides discussed during lectures, will be available in advance on the e-learning platform. Papers reporting case studies will be discussed and provided as didactic material.
For practical activities (6 practice of 4 hours each, grouped in two different weeks), students will be divided into small groups. After a general introduction to illustrate the objectives and the practical methods of execution, the students will organize and carry out the experimental activities under the supervision of the lecturer. Attendance to practical activities is mandatory (at least 75% of the scheduled activities).

The lecturer is always available to receive students, preferably by appointment (via requests to the email address Prof. Sacchi is also available for in-depth or clarification meetings for groups of students on the topics covered by the course, that will be scheduled in the same way.
