Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in CHEMICAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Exercise (60 hours), Laboratory (40 hours)

Knowledge of general and organic chemistry; basics of math and physics. Fundamentals of General Chemistry and Complements of General Chemistry are prerequisites for this exam.

At the end of any lab practice, students will produce a small document including the results obtained. At the end of the Lab course, the documents will be evaluated and the note will account for the 1/3 of the global note. The other 2/3 of the global note will come from a test in which the student will resolve statistics and stoichiometric calculations and theoretical questions concerning the lab practices.
statistics and stoichiometric calculations

Voto Finale

The course will provide the theoretical background and the practical information related to analytical chemistry. The student will acquire knowledge in the following fields:
a) The analytical process, from the formulation of the analytical problem to the expression of the results;
b) Solving complex equilibria in solution;
c) Volumetric and gravimetric methods of analysis and their application;
d) Principles, hardware and application of the instrumental techniques presented during the course;
e) Quality in analytical chemistry and how to measure it;
f) Figures of merit of analytical methods;
g) Major operations in the analytical laboratory.
The skills the student is expected to acquire include:
a) Correct operation of the apparatus in the analytical laboratory (glassware, balance, pHmeter, instrumentation)
b) Applying a simple method for the determination of an analyte (limited to the methodologies presented during the course);
c) Problem solving ability for uncomplicated analytical issues.

General guidelines and mandatory behaviors for the safety in the lab - good laboratory practice
Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics
Laboratory experiments:
Volumetric methods of analysis: acid-base titrations, complexometric titrations, redox titrations, precipitation titrations.
Instrumental methods of analysis: potentiometry – Ion Selective Electrodes (quantitative analysis), spectrophotometric analysis (UV-VIS and IR - quantitative and qualitative analyses), chromatographic analysis (HPLC - quantitative and qualitative analyses).


Module B will be held in two portions: the lecture portion (20 hours) and the laboratory portion (40 hours), closely coordinated between them and with compulsory attendance.

Office hours by appointment: please contact prof. Damiano Monticelli ( or prof. Barbara Giussani ( by email.