Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

Knowledge of basic notions of biology and general and organic chemistry are recommended (but not obligatory). No formal prerequisites are required.

Final Examination: 

The aim of the final examination is to verify the level of the training objectives evaluating the knowledge of the basic notions.
Final written exam (6 questions in 1 hour) scored out of a maximum of 30 points. The questions will be coherent with the covered topics.
The examination will assess the adequate level of knowledge and comprehension of the topics covered during the course (40%), the ability to link the different covered topics (30%), the clarity of expression (20%) and the use of an appropriate scientific language (10%).

Voto Finale

The aim is to provide students with advanced knowledge and abilities necessary to comprehend the general microbiology notions on the bacterial evolution and cell structure, growth and the factors influencing it and the different metabolic strategies, with particular attention to the environmental microbial groups. The acquired knowledge and capabilities can be employed in the different broader issues covered in the degree course.

By the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to:
- comprehend general notions related to bacterial evolution, cell structure and metabolic strategies;
- apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in the environmental microbiology field;
- know the aspects related to role and function of microorganisms in the environment;
- develop communication skills in the exposition of the covered topics and to use an appropriate scientific language;
- show the ability to link the different covered topics.

The theoretical knowledge will be acquired by the general microbiology topics with a particular attention to environmental microorganisms.

Introduction and history of microbiology. (2 hours)
Prokaryotic cell structure and principal differences with the eukaryotic cell. (2 hours)
Molecular systematic and microbial evolution. (2 hours)
Principles of optical and fluorescence microscopy and main techniques for the observation of microorganisms. (2 hours)
Bacterial morphology and morphological adaptation to specific habitats. (2 hours)
Bacterial cytology: cytoplasm and cytoplasmatic organelles. (4 hours)
Plasmatic membrane, cell wall and extracellular layers. (6 hours)
Cell surface filamentous appendages: flagella and pili. (3 hours)
Sterilization techniques and work in sterile conditions. (2 hours)
Nutrition and cultivation of bacteria: type of cultural media. (3 hours)
Bacterial growth and techniques to measure bacterial growth in lab conditions. (4 hours)
Factors influencing bacterial growth: temperature, pH, oxygen, osmotic pressure, hydrostatic pressure. (4 hours)
Metabolic diversity in prokaryotes: aerobic and anaerobic respiration, fermentation and photometabolism. (8 hours)
Principles of virology and types of genetic recombination in bacteria. (2 hours)
Brief description of the microbial technologies for environmental remediation (2 hours).

Total lectures: 48 hours. All the topics will be presented using slides and on the request of students, explanations and clarifications of specific topics will be provided at any time during a lecture.

Students can email to the following address to schedule a meeting with the professor: Elisabetta.Zanardini@uninsubria.it
DiSAT, Via Valleggio 11, Como.