Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours), Exercise (36 hours)

The basic concepts of General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry are useful.

Final Examination: 

During the lessons scheduled for the course, two ongoing written quizzes will be organized referring to the contents of the course. Questions will have answers at single choice. Those who pass the ongoing exams will face the final exam (oral). Those who do not take or pass the ongoing exams will have an exam at the end of the course with 100% of the contents. All topics covered during the course, uploaded to the E-learning platform, will be examined.
Each test is evaluated out of thirty and weighted on the number of hours in the course.

Voto Finale

The course provides the fundamentals of Environmental-Environmental Engineering, in particular pollution engineering, useful for the basic training of technicians in the waste, water (primary and wastewater) and air sectors.
With reference to waste, water, air, the expected learning outcomes are shown below:
- to know the main parameters for their characterization
- to know their main characteristics
- to know the management principles in the European Union
- for waste, to know the principles of circular economy and sustainability
- to know the main regulations
- to know the principles of pollution prevention
- to know the treatment processes

The concepts covered are the basic ones, as well as theoretical insights and applicative aspects.

Expected learning achievements.
At the end of the Course the students will be able to:
• critically analyse environmental footprints
• classify waste based on qualitative and quantitative characteristics
• evaluate waste management strategies
• compare aerobic and anaerobic biological treatments applied to waste
• classify the solid recovered fuel
• manage waste thermal treatment schemes
• compare landfill solutions with and without pretreatments
• compare treatment solutions for polluted gaseous flows
• distinguish between environmental procedures
• distinguish between water pollution phenomena
• comment on water purification solutions
• have an integrated vision between wastewater treatment and sludge treatment

The course is developed with reference to the management of three environmental matrices: waste, water, air. The first hours will be made introductive to the three matrices. After, for each of the matrices, the lecturer will alternate theoretical and applied aspects. In total the course will have 48 hours and 36 hours respectively.
INTRODUCTION (8 theoretical hours)
Evolution of the sanitary-environmental engineering discipline: from applied hygiene to engineering and SGDs & Sustainable Development (waste 3 hours, water 3 hours, air 2 hours).
WASTE (16 theoretical +18 practical hours)
Sector legislation. Circular economy. Qualitative-quantitative characterization of municipal solid waste (including analyses) and special waste. Planning aspects. Solutions for reduction at the source. Collection strategies. Pre-treatment technologies. Characteristics of biological treatments (aerobic and anaerobic). Thermal treatment options. The solid recovered fuel sector (SRF). Sanitary landfill. Energy-economic aspects of the waste sector. Environmental impact of waste sector facilities. Case studies of the municipal and special waste sector. Some information about environmental procedures.
WATER (16 theoretical +16 practical hours)
Water characterization. Regulations. Water cycle. Qualitative characterization of water (physical and organoleptic parameters, chemical and biochemical parameters, microbiological parameters, sampling and water quality). Quantitative characterization of water (flow rates). Notes on microbiology and biochemistry of water. Drinking water (principles and solutions). Sewerage. Primary, secondary and tertiary treatments. General principles of biological processes and reactor engineering. Kinetics of biological reactions. Activated sludge plants: diagram, sedimentation, sewage line sizing criteria, and sludge line (thickening, aerobic/anaerobic digestion, mechanical dewatering). Other biological processes. Nutrient removal. Reuse of treated sewage. Sewage sludge treatment (including thermal drying). Pollution phenomena and integrated solutions (including eutrophication). Physical-chemical processes for water treatment (clariflocculation, filtration, adsorption on activated carbon, chemical correction of water characteristics, precipitation, evaporation, ion exchange, stripping, submerged filters, oxidation -reduction, disinfection, semi-impermeable membranes).

AIR (8 theoretical +2 practical hours)
Regulations. Characteristics of air pollution. Pollution management strategies. Treatment of atmospheric emissions: indoor and outdoor.

Frontal teaching in the classroom. The sequence of theoretical and applied teaching (exercises) will be modulated according to the topics addressed.

The lecturer is available by appointment. To contact her, you must write to the following email address:

Reference text: no
Slides/PPT: yes (downloadable from the e-learning site)