The Module A of the course is divided into 7 credits, equal to 56 hours, intended for the illustration of the program and theoretical explanations through lectures and in 2 credits, equal to 24 hours, in which exercises are carried out relating to the topics illustrated in the course. and which are completely similar to those that are provided in the exam tests. The main contents of the Module A are summarized as follows:
1. Definitions of matter, states of aggregation, element, compound, mixture, atom isotope.
2. Evolution of the atomic model. Elements of quantum mechanics: Schroedinger wave equation for hydrogen-like and electron atoms; atomic orbital; electron spin; Electronic configurations of the elements.
3. The periodic table and periodic properties: atomic radii, ionic, metallic, covalent; ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity.
4. The ionic bond: lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle. The covalent bond: Lewis formulas and their exceptions; partially polar covalent bond, dative and coordinative. Theory ''Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion''. Hybrid orbital bonding model. Molecular orbital model. The metallic bond: Sea theory of electrons; band theory for metals and semiconductors.
5. United liquid, solid and gaseous. Phase transitions and phase diagrams.
6. Chemical thermodynamics: enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free energy; first, second and third law of thermodynamics.
7. Chemical equilibrium: thermodynamic equilibrium constants; Le Chatelier''s principle.
8. Chemical kinetics: reaction time; reaction of the first order, second, zero; Arrhenius equation; theory ''collisions'' and ''activated complex''.
9. Acids and bases: Arrhenius definitions, Broensted, Lewis; acid-base; ionization constant of the acid and base; pH scale. pH of aqueous solutions of strong acids, weak acids,
strong bases, of weak bases; titrations.
10. Basics of radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry.
11. Solubility equilibria in water. Sparingly soluble salts: the effect common ion; effect of pH on the dissolution of a salt in aqueous solution.
12. Elements of electrochemistry.
13. Stoichiometry: the relationship between mass and mole; the balance of the reactions; preparing non-reactive or reactive solutions; conducting reactions in the absence or in the presence of limiting agent.
The teaching activities of Module A consist of lectures and exercises
Every day at the teacher's office, by appointment made by e-mail at least on the day before that of the desired reception.