Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)


Final Examination: 

The test of Work place and construction site safety is a written exam, 10 questions with open answer, available time 1 hour. Assessment system: 3/30 for each correct answer, 1/30 for each correct answer but not complete, 0/30 for wrong answers or question without answer, 18 points (18/30) is the minimum to pass the test. The teacher will value the student’s grade of knowledge and the ability in the explaining arguments and presenting outlines, schemes, graphics and figures.
During the test the classroom exit is not allowed as well as the use of mobile phones or other electronic devices. At the end of the exam the students must give back all papers given at the start with full name and student’s number.
All the topics presented during the course will be part of the final exam.
Only the students regularly enrolled for the exam will be allowed to face it by exhibiting their own university card. The students surprised counterfeiting the exam will be cancelled till the following session.
If the final mark would be refused, the student must send an e-mail communication ( within five days after the result publication on the ESSE3 platform and a written and oral exam can be arranged to assess, in detail, his/her real skill. The mark could be even lower than that obtained during the written test.
If the student refuses the grade he/she will makes the exam only in the next second session.

Voto Finale

The main objective of the course is to raise awareness among students about health and safety issues in the workplace and environmental aspects, providing them with tools able to promote learning from work and to promote correct and rational behavior.
During the training course the production processes, the resources used, the timing, the environmental contexts and the dynamics of the labor market will analyzed, in order to build organizational models of safety management with the human factor at the center and the optimization of its "care".
In this way the students will understand the relationships between the world of work and safety, gaining the awareness that safety is an integral part of the production process.
The course then addresses the innovation in its various components (labor market, technology, ..) always comparing with the history and work experience: this will be a first step for a continuous training path for the entire working life.
Another objective of the course is then the qualification of students as potential subjects who will cover roles of promotion and organization of prevention and protection in the workplace.
At the end of the course the students will have acquired knowledge and skills regarding the normative and technical aspects, the rules and skills of the insiders, the risk assessment and the related prevention and protection systems, work organization and management tools and monitoring.
Learning outcomes:
The Engineer at the end of the course will have these learning outcomes:
Evaluate the workplace risks
Know, select and use the common and personal protection devices
Know the regulatory references and to be able to consult them
Collaborate to design and management of safety systems

The lesson's arguments are:
- The application context and subjects who must use safety rules (6 h)
- Danger, risk and risk assessment (6h)
- Prevention and protection measures (6 h)
- Organizational models and the organization of the workplace (4 h)
- Machines, work equipment and systems (6 h)
- Collective and individual protection systems
- Special work: work at height, confined spaces (6 h)
- Asbestos risk, noise, vibrations, manual material handling (6 h)
- Planning and security management tools (DVR + DUVRI + PSC + POS) (4 h)

The course is held with lectures.
In the lessons are projected a series of power point presentations containing the definitions and principles established by the current regulations and by the rules of good technique.
In addition, presentations contain multiple images of work contexts, organizational solutions, operational methods and best practice schemes.
In the final lessons, some planning and security management tools will presented (DVR, PSC ...) with the illustration of standard schemes, real examples and simulations for some contexts and / or work phases.

Students can meet with the professor in his office by previous phone or email appointment (e-mail:; phone number: 0332218780).
