biology applied to the animal cell
What are Biological Sciences
General structure of living - Unicellular and multicellular organisms
The chemistry of life
Basics of General Chemistry - Macromolecules: Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids
The origin of life
Origin of the procaryote and eukaryote cell
Biology Research: Methods and Instruments:
Observation and manipulation of biological samples, microscopy techniques, protein analysis
Cellular Biology
General structure of the eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Cell sub-structures: organelles: plasmalemma, RE and RER and proteins, lysosomes and degradation, Protein synthesis and protein sorting, peroxisomes and detoxification, Golgi apparatus and glycosylation, mitochondria and energy.
Cell biochemistry
The Fundamental Cycles - Energy and Oxidative Phosphorylation
Nucleus and gene expression
DNA, RNA, Chromatic, Transcription and Translation - Inheritance - Genotype and Phenotype - Epigenetic
Cell motility:
Cytoskeleton: Actin-Myosin, Tubulin, IFs
amoeboid, ciliary and flagellar motility.
Germ cells
Meiosis, Fertilization and Embryonic Development
Cell differentiation and stem cells
The cellular crosstalk: cell communication
Cellular interaction, Signals and Receptors
Cell cycle, Mitosis and cell death (necrosis and apoptosis)
Histology: cells in their social context
The tissues
Animal structure and functions:
Basics of organs and apparatus:
Gastrointestinal - Circulatory and Respiratory, Immune System, Excretory, Muscle, skeleton - Nervous
Implications of cellular biology on scientific issues of environmental interest.
Lectures and visits to research laboratories
Student reception: the teacher is always available by previous agreement by email:
At request, the teacher will use part of the lecture to clarify topics of previous lectures. It is also possible to ask for elucidations during the lectures.