Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours), Seminar (10 hours)
Voto Finale

Gene mutation, genetic models and techniques of study. Chromosomal mutation, mechanism at the basis of structural and numerical aberrations Errors during meiosis for balanced abberration.
Formal genetic in human: study of at the the phenotype biochemestry and molecular level. Dominant , recessive and X-linked traids. Polymorphism in human DNA. Cytogentics.
Normal cariotype. Abberration in the autosomal and sex chromosomes. Disease due to errors in DNA repair, inprinting, uniparental disomy.Molecolar genetic in the mendelian disease and genetic consulation.
Genetic consulattion in cytogenetics, prevention of the genetic disease in the genetic consultation.
Sexual differentation and grade of intersexuality .
Genetics and Tumors.

Gene mutation, genetic models and techniques of study. Chromosomal mutation, mechanism at the basis of structural and numerical aberrations Errors during meiosis for balanced abberration.
Formal genetic in human: study of at the the phenotype biochemestry and molecular level. Dominant , recessive and X-linked traids. Polymorphism in human DNA. Cytogentics.
Normal cariotype. Abberration in the autosomal and sex chromosomes. Disease due to errors in DNA repair, inprinting, uniparental disomy.Molecolar genetic in the mendelian disease and genetic consulation.
Genetic consulattion in cytogenetics, prevention of the genetic disease in the genetic consultation.
Sexual differentation and grade of intersexuality .
Genetics and Tumors.

The course is based on taught classes asking the students for tan important partecipatin.
The topics exposed by the teacher during the first class class will be summarized by the students the next class in order to invite the students to an active participation to the course.
Practical experience are available to the students during the laboratoties of cytogenetics and molecular genetics.

To arrange an appointment with the teachers ask at:


Parent course