- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
basic knowledge of biology, chemistry, histology, anatomy already acquired during high school 2nd grade.
On the day of the exam you must show your university card or a non-expired identity document with identification photo.
The oral exam consists of questions relating to the course program of the C.I. to define the ability to understand (20%), the ability to apply knowledge and understanding (20%), the autonomy of judgment (10%), the ability to learn (20%) and communication skills (30%).
Single final grade out of thirty
The commission will be composed of at least two teachers.
Each candidate will be questioned by two teachers, not necessarily by the teacher who took the course
During the course attendance and on the day of the exam, appropriate clothing is required, a form of respect for teachers and the academic institution
Learning the structural organization of the human body from the macroscopical to the microscopical point of view with their anatomical-clinical applications. Recognize the morphological characteristics of systems, organs, tissues, cells and subcellular structures of human organism.
Cytology: Introduction to the cell
Histology: Epithelial tissue; Connective tissue; blood: plasma and blood cells; Muscle: striated, smooth, cardiac; Nervous tissue
Cardiovascular and lymphatic system
Respiratory system
Digestive apparatus
Urinary system
Male and female reproductive system (mentions)
Endocrine system
General organization of nervous system
Central Nervous System: Spinal chord: white and grey matter; ascending and descending tracts. Encephalic trunk: encephalic nerves (III-XII) nuclei, reticular formation. Cerebellum: functional subdivisions. Cortex. Diencephalum: talamus, hypotalamus, epytalamus. Telencephalus: structure and lobular subdivision. Basal ganglia and internal capsule. Cortical areas of Broadman, motor and sensibility ways. Olphactory and gustative ways (mentions) Meninx, liquor and ventricular system. Willis circle and cerebral circulation. Ear and vestibular apparatus; acoustic ways and vestibular circuits (mentions). Eye and optical ways (mentions).
Peripheral nervous system:
Ganglia: definition and types. Cranial nerves: definition, organization, origin, course and ramifications. Spinal nerves: origin, course, ramifications, plexuses. Autonomic nervous system
Characteristic Anatomy
Osteology: Morphology, macroscopic architecture, classification of bones.
Skull; axil skeleton; upper and lower extremities (mentions).
Arthrology: Classification of joints, articular mechanics. Skull, trunk and extremities joints.
Myology: Muscles of head (mentions); neck; trunk; abdomen; pelvis; extremities.
Peripheral nervous system: cervical, brachial, lumbar and sacral plexus.
vedi schede singoli moduli
due to the pandemic events, the course will be structured with synchronous and asynchronous lessons organized on the microsoft Teams platform. In synchronous mode, the teacher carries out the lesson live using Microsoft Teams by activating the recording of the lesson.
Office hours should be planed by e-mail
Credits: 1
Credits: 3
Credits: 2