Citology and Histology

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours), Laboratory (12 hours)

The course does not require specific biological knowledge beyond that provided by a high school (with the exception of artistic and musical high schools)

Exams are scheduled according to the Course Council program. The first part consist on a practical test based on the identification of one, or more, histological samples. Only if this test is approved, the student is admitted to the oral exam. The practical test, once approved, expired after 12 months.
The oral exam consists in the identification of one, or more, picture/s showing optical or electron microscopy samples, chosen from those proposed during the course. Then the examination proceeds with questions aimed at assessing the student's ability to contextualize the type of cell in relation to the biological tissue, to describe the ultrastructural organization, function, and, if required, to detail its function. The final score, is entirely based on the oral exam. 80% of the final evaluation is based on the accuracy, the completeness of the answers and and the ability to cross-link different topics; 20% is based on the language property. The test is considered passed with a minimal score of 18/30.

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide the essential basis of cell biology. The student will aquire the knowledge to understand the morphological, structural and functional characteristics of the cells. The concepts of biological macromolecules, protrin organization and cell compartments are the basis for understanding how cells organize themselves into biological tissues of which morphology, structure and function will be also studied.
The laboratory of microscopy is aimed at recognizing biological samples.
All together, these knowledges are mandatory for the formation of a junior biologist.
at the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. use an optical microscope
2. recognize a cell or a tissue using optical and electron microscopy
3. explain the basic techniques for preparing samples for optical and electron microscopy
4. starting from the ultrastructural characteristics, he/she will be able to recognize the cell typology and describe its function in a physiological and / or pathological context.
5. work in a team

The course is divided into three parts:
1- CYTOLOGY (28 hours)
This part deals with the animal cell with particular regard to:
dimensions and instruments suitable for microscopic observation, preparation of biological samples for observation in optical (bright field, fluorescence) and electron microscopy;
chemistry of the biomolecules (sugars, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids), basic concept of thermodynamics;
DNA duplication, transcription and translation;
organization, characteristics and functions of the cyto-membranes, cytoskeleton;
Cell compartments and their functions: nucleus, endoplasmic smooth and rough reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisomes, mitochondria, cytoplasm
Proteins sorting, exocytosis, endocytosis and transcytosis;
mitosis and meiosis).

2- HISTOLOGY (36 hours)
This part aims to explain cells organization in biological tissues. The characteristics, functions and localization of each tissue are illustrated.
Epithelial tissues, cell surface specializations (microvilli, cilia, stereo cilia and flagella) and basal-lateral (cell-cell junctions and cell-matrix junctions).
Glandular epithelial tissues: morphology, classification, secretion pathways.
Connective tissue proper with particular attention to cells, extracellular matrix and its components.
Specialized tissues: cartilage, bone and hematopoietic bone marrow and hematopoiesis.
Skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle tissue with particular attention to the structure of the sarcomere and the contraction. White, intermediate and red muscolar fibers.
Nervous tissue: neurons, neuroglia and meninges. Outline of the organization and functions of the CNS and SNP. Potential and synapses.
Lymphoid organs (spleen and lymph nodes) with an overview of the mechanisms of the main immune responses.

The laboratory is organized in 6 lessons of 2 hours each. During the first lesson, the student acquires information on the organization of the laboratory, learns how to use the optical microscope and how to observe a biological sample.
Each individual lesson include a brief explanation of the topic:
- epithelial tissues
- glandular tissues
- connective tissues proper
- cartilage tissue
- compact and spongy bone tissue
- adipose tissue
- blood and lymphoid tissues
- skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle tissues
- nervous tissue


The teaching activity includes lectures and laboratory experiences.
• The lectures in the class will be carried out with slides and videos.
• The practical activity in the laboratory will be introduced during the lessons. The laboratory aims to acquire the basic techniques of histology. Each lesson is accompanied by slides that allow the student to easily carry out the proposed experiences.

The teacher is available to meet the students on appointment by phone or by e-mail (
