Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

No prerequisites are required

Final Examination: 

The exam will consist of an oral test to be carried out in an adequate interval of time, in which the student is asked to give answers to questions on the principles underlying the circular economy, on technologies available to promote the recovery and recycling of resources, and to methodologies to support decision-making for sustainable development.

During the oral exam, the candidate's technical preparation, and the logical formulation of the concepts learned during the course will be evaluated, demonstrating the overall understanding of the topics being examined and an articulation of critical thinking. The candidate's presentation ability and overall knowledge of the course will be assessed. The sufficiency is equal to 18 points (18/thirtieths).

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide basic knowledge related to methods and technologies to promote the circular economy at a global level. Based on the “Sustainable development goals”, the targets and indicators are described in order to promote actions towards an environmental, social, and economic sustainability, with particular attention to developing areas. In addition, the course aims to describe the "life cycle thinking" approach, through the analysis of the environmental, social, and cost life cycle assessment, to encourage the sustainable use of resources. The principles of "zero waste", and "green economy" will be defined, highlighting the regulatory developments defined by the "circular economy" package issued by the European Commission. Finally, the course aims to describe the main technologies to foster materials recovery and recycling, integrating the description of low-tech solutions appropriate for developing contexts. The technologies here described are part of both industry and resource management in low-income countries, through the "eco-design" and development cooperation.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. address in an integrated way the global issues related to the reduction of virgin materials and the resource scarcity
2. know the regulatory principles at European level to promote the circular economy and sustainable development
3. understand the methodologies for quantifying the environmental, social, and economic benefits related to a circular economy
4. discriminate the technological alternatives to promote the recycling of discarded materials
5. identify the strengths and difficulties to promote the sustainable use of resources in developing contexts
6. manage projects related to eco-design, industrial symbiosis and development cooperation aimed at reducing environmental contamination

Course contents are listed below (total 48h). The topics are:
• Introduction to the course, Sustainable Development Education, Environmental Sustainability, History of the Circular Economy
• Linear Economy and problems, Climate Change, Black Carbon, domestic CO2 emissions
• FIT for 55, Transport CO2 emissions, Linear and Circular Economy differences
• Circular Economy and EU Green Deal: ecodesign, DISRUPT and Footprints

• Study of the environmental LCA approach.
• Definition of Life cycle thinking, Description of social-LCA and life cycle costing (LCC), Case studies and application of LCT in "green" projects.
• Study of technologies for the treatment, recycling, and recovery of waste resources.
• Description of the main technological solutions for the promotion of the circular economy in low-income areas.
• Definition of indicators for the study of waste material management in low-income contexts, Definition of decision support methods for the evaluation of appropriate resource management scenarios, project cycle management and development cooperation.
• Study of the management of development cooperation projects for the promotion of the circular economy.


The course is based on frontal theoretical lessons. Seminars conducted in collaboration with researchers and experts in the field.

Students can meet with the professor in his office by previous phone or email appointment (e-mail: